Reality TV Warriors
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
A Race to Lick
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Rejoice if your children are forgotten about, as we are back for Amazing Race 32! Each week from now until the end of the season (and who knows when that'll be at this rate?), the three people who've definitely found their niche by now - Michael, Logan & Michelle are recapping the season, continuing with the ninth leg this week!
In this episode, Michelle has a celebration, Michael reveals his main issue with the season, Logan defends the Head-to-Head, we find concrete proof of unreliable editing, Logan talks about the Virtual Boy, we spot some more Frankenedits, we reveal what was actually in the baskets for the monks, Michael tries to get the sound team fired, we still hate slide puzzles, Michelle accuses someone of going overboard, there's a very interesting musical cue, we wonder whether next week's twist is actually unique, Michelle stages a bacon protest, Michael sets some homework and there's some negativity to end on.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael, Logan & Michelle directly! Thank you for listening - we will see you next Sunday for the tenth leg!
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
The Novel Curie
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Don't tell anyone your mother's name, because we are back for another round of new/old Belgian Mole recaps! Over these eight weeks, the two guys who find out they're wrong quite regularly - Logan & Michael - will be looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: South Africa, continuing with the fifth episode this week. So sit back, relax, grab some biltong or a braai and enjoy this crazy season of television.
In this episode, we set a new personal best, Logan goes on a moth hunt, we 100% do not have an e-reader sponsor, Michael proves a bit forgetful, we imagine what novels Marie Curie would have written, new rules get spitballed, we wonder whether Hans' behaviour gets him into the Hall of Shame and are we finally going to see a terrible challenge next week?
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, there may be spoilers for the seasons we've covered previously - Argentina, Mexico, Vietnam & Greece. This season, there is also a small spoiler-filled section at the end of the podcast - this can be found from 50:30 onwards.
Additional note: Be prepared to start losing characters you love from next week! It gets a bit brutal...
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
I Do Enjoy Life and Fun Stuff
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Channel your inner Matt Tomljenovich as we are back for Amazing Race 32! Each week from now until the end of the season (and who knows when that'll be at this rate?), three people always guaranteed to make a modern music reference - Michael, Logan & Michelle are recapping the season, continuing with the double-length eighth leg this week!
In this episode, Michael gives the people what they want, we critique fashion choices, Phil gets fact-checked again, we reveal just how short this leg actually was, Logan gets joke-blocked, Michael spots some very strange audio, Michelle channels her inner Hung, we find something to compliment the double-length leg on historically, we try and guess how the U-Turn will go down, Logan reveals the ideal scenario for final three, Michael forces a winner prediction and Michelle insists we talk about the greeter(s).
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael, Logan & Michelle directly! Thank you for listening - we will see you next Sunday for the ninth leg!
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Mulligan or Mole Again?
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Learn how to chop wood properly, because we are back for another round of new/old Belgian Mole recaps! Over these eight weeks, the two guys who think you could do a bit better - Logan & Michael - will be looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: South Africa, continuing with the fourth episode this week. So sit back, relax, grab some biltong or a braai and enjoy this crazy season of television.
In this episode, Logan reveals his worst nightmare, we explain the mantra of 75% of Mole episodes, Michael has been doing some digging, our favourite non-Davey Belgian reappears, we wonder whether Gilles has been to Australia, it all goes a little Gene Wilder, we reveal whether we've been to Belgium before and we explain when the worst time to go home is really.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, there may be spoilers for the seasons we've covered previously - Argentina, Mexico, Vietnam & Greece. This season, there is also a small spoiler-filled section at the end of the podcast - this can be found from 54:39 onwards.
Additional note: After this season ends, what will we do with ourselves? We won't be able to make any more Ostrich Maze references!
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Petropavlovsk’s Sobaka
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Give yourself 90 seconds to rant (or 90 minutes, in Michael's case), as we are back for Amazing Race 32! Each week from now until the end of the season (and who knows when that'll be at this rate?), the three people you can guarantee would never start a Russian turf war - Michael, Logan & Michelle are recapping the season, continuing with the sixth and seventh legs this week!
In this episode, Michael does some research, Aparna & Eswar try and set a record, skinny people can't run, Logan makes another musical theatre reference, one team shows their bias, we wonder whether sauerkraut is a condiment, Michelle interrupts, Michael spots something rage-inducing, we explore Logan's mucky film collection, someone other than Michael complains, we wonder why the episode titles were so spoilery, Will & James win a terrible prize, another berserk button is hit with the difference between Keep on Racing and Double-Length legs and we try and work out who'll go home in the DOUBLE-LENGTH LEG next week.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael, Logan & Michelle directly! Thank you for listening - we will see you next Sunday for the double-length eighth leg!
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Visibly Spheniscine
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Put on your favourite necklace from the hotel gift shop, because we are back for another round of new/old Belgian Mole recaps! Over these eight weeks, two guys who are always looking for Nelson Mandela - Logan & Michael - will be looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: South Africa, continuing with the third episode this week. So sit back, relax, grab some biltong or a braai and enjoy this crazy season of television.
In this episode, we reveal that this is actually the first of a pair of episodes that complement each other, we have a little confession to make, there's a very personal connection to the Drunk Museum Heist, we imagine an Argentine Drunk Heist, the special elimination gets broken, we point out who to watch out for next week and there's a one-way ticket to Spoilerville as we reveal what the Mole actually did in this episode.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, there may be spoilers for the seasons we've covered previously - Argentina, Mexico, Vietnam & Greece. This season, there is also a small spoiler-filled section at the end of the podcast - this can be found from 47:49 onwards.
Additional note: Prior to coming onto this season, Bertrand had never told a lie. Can you tell?
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
A Time Bomb of Revenge
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Try and learn to trust us again, as we are back for Amazing Race 32! Each week from now until the end of the season (and who knows when that'll be at this rate?), three people who would never crack their knuckles at you - Michael, Logan & Michelle are recapping the season, continuing with the fifth episode this week!
In this episode, Michelle learns a new word, we wonder whether security in airports have a problem with teams, the weather provides a huge advantage for Riley & Maddison, Michael tries to work out why Will got so panicky, Michelle learns about memes, Logan wants to rant, Michael follows up on a promise, we count the letters in the word "spa", we try and predict the winners halfway through the season and Michelle & Victoria are eulogised in our own special way.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael, Logan & Michelle directly! Thank you for listening - we will see you next Sunday for the sixth and seventh legs!
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
The Belgians Who are Scared of Goats
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Sing like a jury's watching (and judging you harshly), because we are back for another round of new/old Belgian Mole recaps! Over these eight weeks, two guys who would never stereotype Religion teachers - Logan & Michael - will be looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: South Africa, continuing with the second episode this week. So sit back, relax, grab some biltong or a braai and enjoy this crazy season of television.
In this episode, Logan learns about modern technology, we question whether the twist is both good and fair, we discuss what the worst World Cup anthem is, we wonder whether Robin would have faced an actual cheetah, someone becomes the Cathy of South Africa, we debate whether Charles Ingram was actually innocent, only one of the two eliminated contestants actually gets eulogised and we reveal how someone screwed themselves out of staying.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, there may be spoilers for the seasons we've covered previously - Argentina, Mexico, Vietnam & Greece. This season, there is also a small spoiler-filled section at the end of the podcast - this can be found from 1:04:17 onwards.
Additional note: After watching the episode, why not leave us a five-star review? Leave it on your podcast platform of choice and let us know on social media - our favourite will be Review of the Week!