Reality TV Warriors
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Hanne’s Choice
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Prepare yourself to catch a good 25% of things, because we are back for a Summer treat! Over these eight weeks, the two guys who would never present you with your diary in the form of a pot of ashes - Logan & Michael - are looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: Argentina, continuing with Episode 7 this week. So grab yourself a cup of mate and strap in for one of the most bonkers seasons that has ever been broadcast on television.
In this episode, we wonder why the Baby Hitler conversation ever aired, Logan learns about Nazis, we spot something particularly unique about the El Pato challenge, Stijn thinks moustaches make you evil, we have a rare bit of criticism for the production of this season, Michael spots something in the biographies which raises questions, we reveal what was in Marc's diary and the question of the season is asked - did Hanne make the right choice?
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, it may contain spoilers for seasons that we have already recapped (Mexico, Vietnam & Greece). However, from this episode, you are able to infer who the Mole is from what we say.
Additional note: Adolf Eichmann was executed by hanging at the age of 56. He deserved everything he got and more.
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
The €6000 Man
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Grab yourself a choripan or Neopolitana Pizza, because we are back for a Summer treat! Over these eight weeks, the two guys who can guarantee they weren't in Hanne's shower - Logan & Michael - are looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: Argentina, continuing with Episode 6 this week. So grab yourself a cup of mate and strap in for one of the most bonkers seasons that has ever been broadcast on television.
In this episode, Michael refuses to rewrite a Christmas Carol, Hanne's running joke continues, Logan suggests a particularly interesting way to find out who the Mole is, Michael spots huge irony, Logan has some Buenos Aires Metro stories, Cathy continues to be an emotional sledgehammer and we wonder whether the Pasvragen Mind Game is the worst performance by a group of Belgian candidates ever.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, it may contain spoilers for seasons that we have already recapped (Mexico, Vietnam & Greece).
Additional note: Hanne may still be in the pigeon cage - has anyone checked on her since 2015?
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
That Spittle is Worth €200
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Think of us when you eat soup, because we are back for a Summer treat! Over these eight weeks, the two guys who would never laugh at there being so few women left - Logan & Michael - are looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: Argentina, continuing with Episode 5 this week. So grab yourself a cup of mate and strap in for one of the most bonkers seasons that has ever been broadcast on television.
In this episode, we date the podcast recording slightly by talking about where we should have been, Logan reveals whether he could pinpoint his girlfriend's cooking, Michael tells a topical joke...three months late, Logan assumes someone has hidden skills, we reveal the real definition of the word "fanatical" and then look ahead to a monumental episode next week.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, it may contain spoilers for seasons that we have already recapped (Mexico, Vietnam & Greece). Please also be aware that - in this episode - there is a small Episode 6 spoiler between 6:37-6:49 which you may want to avoid if you have not seen Episode 6 yet.
Additional note: Ryanair did not sponsor this podcast, in case you hadn't already guessed.
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
It's time to forget that Eva Peron ever existed, because we are back for a Summer treat! Over these eight weeks, the two guys always left holding the poodle - Logan & Michael - are looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: Argentina, continuing with Episode 4 this week. So grab yourself a cup of mate and strap in for one of the most bonkers seasons that has ever been broadcast on television.
In this episode, Logan reveals if he's changed his ways, Michael reveals his original four-episode suspicion, we wonder if it's disappointing to go to a country you've already been to when you're on the Mole, we pitch an aftershow, Michael (potentially!) stumbles upon a sabotage, someone has a "resting drunk face", the hippodrome challenge gets made more interesting and explain how - at halfway through the season - the execution sets up the narrative for the final four episodes.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, it may contain spoilers for seasons that we have already recapped (Mexico, Vietnam & Greece).
Additional note: Kangaroos, Dingos and most other Australian animals were not harmed in the making of this episode.
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Hunt for the Camerapeople
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Make sure you sit in the same seat every day, because we are back for a Summer treat! Over these eight weeks, the two guys who would never leave a voicemail - Logan & Michael - are looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: Argentina, continuing with Episode 3 this week. So grab yourself a cup of mate and strap in for one of the most bonkers seasons that has ever been broadcast on television.
In this episode, we wonder whether they'd ever do a challenge like blindfolded paintball again, we swap safari stories, Logan reveals when he last played Unreal Tournament, we reveal whether being mauled by lions make you better at cricket, Michael talks banner choices, Logan suggests a walk-off song for the latest person executed and we look ahead to the insanity that begins in Episode 4.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, it may contain spoilers for seasons that we have already recapped (Mexico, Vietnam & Greece).
Additional note: Congratulations to Logan for making it another year. You're old.
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Love Has No Labels
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Prepare yourself to spend half an hour riding inflatables with other men, because we are back for a Summer treat! Over these eight weeks, the only two guys who refused to suspect Stijn - Logan & Michael - are looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: Argentina, continuing with Episode 2 this week. So grab yourself a cup of mate and strap in for one of the most bonkers seasons that has ever been broadcast on television.
In this episode, we learn the Flemish for "sorry", Michael spots some monkeying with the timeline, something reminds Logan of Bugs Bunny, there's an egregious musical rulebreak, someone in Production made the theme of this episode "explosions", Marc still hasn't got a pen and what lessons did this week's elimination teach future contestants?
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, it may contain spoilers for seasons that we have already recapped (Mexico, Vietnam & Greece).
Additional note: Unless we are mistaken, Anderson Cooper has never taken a restraining order out against either of us. He's one of the few who haven't.
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Looking for Gloria
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Protect yourself, as the Sleeping Bag Bandit approaches, because we are back for a Summer treat! Over the next eight weeks, the two guys who definitely know who Gilles de Coster is - Logan & Michael - are looking back on one of the Best Seasons We Never Covered - De Mol België: Argentina. So grab yourself a cup of mate and strap in for one of the most bonkers seasons that has ever been broadcast on television.
In this episode, Logan creates a segment that we'll end up forgetting about, we wonder whether there's ever an excuse not to know who Papa Bear Gilles de Coster is, Marc finally meets someone with hair, Hanne launches a new dog-holding service, Michael risks the ire of our regular listeners and we ask whether the first person executed is one of the most tragic figures in Reality TV history.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We will see you next week!
Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, it may contain spoilers for seasons that we have already recapped (Mexico, Vietnam & Greece).
Additional note: For your information, these episodes were recorded at a time of social distancing. That makes no difference to us, as we're always over 4,000 miles apart unless we're at a TV finale together - we just thought you'd want to know.
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
We've been away for a few weeks, but we're back for a very special episode, joined by the breakout star of the season - Bart Lintermans!
In this episode, we find out why Bart really bid €10200, Bart tells us whether Salim was even remotely convincing as an 82-year-old, we get out-superfanned, Michael spots a sneaky musical cue, Bart finally gets the chance to play Never Have I Ever, we get to the bottom of whether Lithuania has stereotypes, Bart shows us how big The Mole is in Flanders and we try and work out why the hell Bart was so suspected.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
Thank you for listening to this special episode - we will be back on July 9th for De Mol België: Argentina!