Reality TV Warriors

Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
”It’s Never The Quiet Ones” (with Brooke Camhi)
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Michael & Logan return once more to have an audience with the Queen of Amazing Race – Brooke Camhi – and chat about everything Amazing Race 29. In this episode:
Brooke & Logan become hair buddies.
We beg for compliments.
What was it like to be around Scott’s scream first-hand?
Brooke got recognised.
Can Brooke laugh at the Greece & Vietnam leg now?
Brooke has a very appropriate Amazing Race connection.
Michael toots his own horn.
Brooke reveals a secret about the cast bios.
How was Brooke cast?
Who was Brooke’s second choice?
Would 29’s cast have still been the same even without a schoolyard pick?
Where did Brooke want to go?
How miserable was the Greek ferry?
What is Brooke scared of?
What was the biggest mistake that Brooke & Scott made?
Brooke finally realises the main aim of Amazing Race.
We teach Brooke about Amazing Race Canada.
We discover Scott’s dark side.
We discuss the U-Turn drama and how Brooke made amends.
What was the biggest challenge Brooke faced?
How subtle were Scotty’s comments?
Did Scott ever find his express pass?
Brooke volunteers to watch something with us.
Would Brooke do Survivor?
How did Brooke & Scott win?
There’s a pop quiz.
Why couldn’t we see Scott skydive?
Michael reveals a secret about the intro music.
A myth gets busted.
We talk about audition tapes.
What was the last thing Brooke cried at?
We briefly discuss how much TARC sucks.
What aftercare is available in the Race?
What were the abandoned episode titles for Rado?
Why was Brooke’s edit so negative?
When did the Race become a bit more Brooke?
How was Vietnam?
We discuss swollen feet.
Which quotes annoyed people so much?
Did Brooke hate Vanck & Ashton?
What did TAR teach Brooke?
We ask personal questions.
Logan gets corrected.
Was there anything Brooke regretted bringing?
How did Brooke try and cover up being upset?
Brooke tries to get us to sing.
Go-to karaoke songs.
Who would we race with?
Which ride at Disney removes kidney stones?
And the outro gets heckled.
Join us next week when we talk to Scott Flanary (spelt like Canary!)

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
”Have Faith In Me, Radoski” (with Michael Rado)
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Michael & Logan are back once more to chat to one of our podcast drunkles, Michael Rado. In this episode:
Rado tries to claim a title.
We accidentally date the podcast again.
What happened at the 29 finish line?
How was Rado cast?
Would Rado have made the same choice with all the options at the start line?
Who went on the trips they won?
Does Rado regret helping Brooke?
What happened when no-one was allowed to be friends?
Does Liz have magical map powers?
Mike critiques our impression.
A running joke bears fruit finally.
Why didn’t Rado meet Logan at the finale?
Where is the most convenient place for us all?
How sober was Logan at the 29 finale?
Michael discusses his favourite audition video again.
Why did Vanck & Ashton get U-Turned?
How would Rado have fared in Vietnam?
We obviously discuss the Scott scream.
Rado makes a tattoo bet.
What was the biggest thing we didn’t see?
What should you do if you accidentally encounter a wild Covino?
Logan gets exposed as being Uncanadian.
We take our usual Belgian Mole detour.
Were there any countries Rado was disappointed not to go to?
Did Mike & Liz prepare for a memory challenge?
Rado makes a swift exit.
And we make not at all timely predictions for Survivor New Zealand and South Africa by recording them before the most recent episodes aired.
We're back next week with another great guest - Brooke Camhi!

Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
”Did You Push My Passport Off The Ledge?” (with Jen Hudak)
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Michael & Logan return to kick off the interview series by talking to Season 30’s Jen Hudak. In this episode:
We’ve been slighted!
There’s an exclusive non-pregnancy announcement.
What happens when you come back from the Race?
Logan & Jen compare surgeries.
We discuss a little of what’s coming for 31.
How much of a fan is Jen?
At what point was it evident that 30 was a Champions edition?
Why are so many shows leaning on “inspirational” casting at the moment?
Logan gets blog envy.
Jen remembers some absurd criticisms.
What guidance did CBS provide?
What was the one instruction Logan gave pre-podcast?
How is Jen like Gilles de Coster?
How do you ensure you get a good edit?
We decide on a theme for Season 32.
Would 29 have been as compelling without Brooke & Scott?
What locations were missing from 30?
Why don’t we see India anymore?
What happens with a language barrier?
Was there any other team who we missed lots from?
Logan laughs at his own jokes.
Which bit of the podcast gives Jen the most anxiety?
What happened with the final challenge?
How important is it to debrief with your partner?
Why was the partner swap a dud?
How did overthinking nearly cost Kristi & Jen the Zimbabwe legs?
We try and find the new “Jack Shack”.
Where would Jen sleep if she returned for All-Stars?
Jen introduces us to bison bars.
Where would we want to go to?
We compare airport stories.
Jen tells us about her one night in Bangkok.
We discuss the legend of Conor Daly.
What was Jen’s favourite clip of the season?
Are we optimistic for 31?
We crack out a classic impression.
Jen learns about The Mole.
What other shows would Jen want to do?
Logan stops being interesting.
Which early boot had the most potential?
How are things for April & Sarah?
Jen picks apart an Amazing Race Canada bio.
Why don’t we see Canadian shows do all-stars?
We obviously talk Shahla & Nabeela.
What did Jen think about the Double-Battle?
How could you improve the two major twists of Season 30?
And we exclusively find out who would have suffered if teams had booked their own flights.
Join us next week for another interview, this time with Michael Rado from Amazing Race 29!

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Fake Labels & Favouritism
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Michael & Logan return to preview the sixth season of Amazing Race Canada...and then announce what is happening for the rest of the season. In this episode:
Is this really a special episode?
Michael recommends another podcast.
Why are we actually back for Season 6?
Obviously, we discuss one of Logan's least-favourite people and his very shiny forehead.
What were our first thoughts of the live start line?
What is the worst thing about this season so far?
We announce what we have planned for Podcast 250 and Logan plays for an advantage.
Michael lays down the law on nicknames.
Who took Gord & Wayne's spot?
We explain the MH Rules.
A new game is introduced.
Are you automatically a hero just for being ex-military?
One team has already beaten The Amazing Race Canada.
Logan cares so little about one team he mixes them up with another one.
How unflattering can comparisons get?
We get a geography lecture.
Someone is politely asked not to share their secret sauce.
Does a comparison reveal who is a recruit?
Logan is perplexed by Michael's pre-season favourites.
We rank Big Brother Canada Final Twos.
Is one Racer a psychopath?
What constitutes a first responder?
Logan imagines strangers making out.
Michael uncovers a conspiracy.
What are the contents of Logan's video collection?
There's a surprising amount of Madonna knowledge.
Someone loses an answer.
We disgree greatly on one team.
Logan reveals BC stereotypes.
Amazing Race Canada refuses to acknowledge one country.
We have a pair of ghosts.
One team copies Entourage.
Monty invents a word.
We predict leg prizes.
The Amazing Race Canada Greatest Hits - including Superfan Alex, Skeletor, Shahla and Nabeela and bitch ex-wives - all return.
We nominate heroes of our own.
One team's comparison is so bad, it's both offensive and stupid.
Someone compares their partner to Jesus.
Michael brings up some repressed memories.
Two teams may have a pre-season alliance.
Logan learns about Pokémon.
We bust Quebecois myths.
What is our attitude going into a preview?
Logan spots some irony.
We channel a rival.
We choose some new nicknames for Logan.
And we dig the knife in before revealing our plans for the Summer.

Thursday May 24, 2018
How Pieter Would Have Done it
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
Michael & Logan return for the final time to recap the reunion episode of De Mol België's sixth season. In this episode:
Logan is proud for once.
Mole history was broken.
We contrast Moles.
Someone proves themselves very genre savvy.
How do we know Lloyd lived nearby to the reunion house?
Who is a secret 30 Rock fan?
Logan disparages all Belgian attempts at sport.
Identity theft leads to a potentially fun game of chicken.
We finally remember to mention the elephant in the room.
What would have happened if an exemption game went differently?
We try to explain why this season was so good.
Logan spots a pun.
What are Belgians like in real life?
We make our first announcements for 2019.
Michael makes a Harmstone Promise.
We make up lies about Anthony's location.
Was Pieter a recruit?
We spitball our off-season projects.
And we finally put this season to a coffin escape room.

Thursday May 17, 2018
Nothing to Declare
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Michael & Logan are back to recap the final episode of De Mol België’s sixth season. In this episode:
We’re still riding high from speaking to Gilles.
Logan gets smug and Michael gets forgetful.
Do we approve of the choice of Mole?
Why did Lloyd & Baha always pair up?
Would we want to be the Mole?
How much notice did everyone get before flying to Mexico?
Usher has been on the phone.
Michael promises to gif something.
Logan reveals a dream.
How many towers have we seen?
Michael gets pedantic.
How do they make the vinyl game easier?
Would dental bills come out of the pot?
Would it really be a failure if no-one picked the Mole?
Is there anything you can’t bring home from Mexico?
Was there an obvious trick to the waterfall game?
What was the point of the black bag?
We work out what moment Gilles still laughs at.
When has Mississippi ever let anyone down?
We try to scare Lloyd more.
What can you get for €100?
Logan has some opinions on the drive-in cinema challenge.
The Mole gets a lookalike.
What would happen if Gilles’ breakfast mind game had worked?
Michael struggles with place names.
Logan has accidentally been to a reveal location.
We worry that Anthony may have stumbled upon a clue.
When did people begin to suspect Pieter?
The Skype chat gets dark.
Is Lloyd a worthy winner?
We talk finale fashion.
We begin to wind down the season by discussing why Belgian Mole is so important.
And we get called out for our predictions.
We will be back following the reunion for one final episode!

Saturday May 12, 2018
Looking Very Belgian - a De Mol België Special Episode with Gilles de Coster!
Saturday May 12, 2018
Saturday May 12, 2018
Michael & Logan return with a very special episode – being joined by Gilles de Coster! In this episode:
Michael accidentally comes on a little strong.
What was the reaction of Production to the fan community?
How important is the first challenge in setting the tone of the season?
How involved is Gilles in the show?
What makes a good candidate?
Why does the casting skew much older than other shows?
Has Gilles seen other versions of The Mole?
Does Gilles love people being wrong?
Why did Bertrand change his suspect?
How many people applied for this season?
How did they fact-check the STD question?
Is it difficult to keep a straight face with some of the antics?
Why does The Mole work in Belgium & the Netherlands, but not elsewhere?
What is Gilles’ favourite type of challenges?
Was the parking ticket a set-up?
Why does the pot tend to sit around a similar level each yet?
How much guidance does the Mole get?
Gilles exclusively reveals when the reveal will be.
An invitation gets offered.
How much planning has been done for next season?
Were there any locations abandoned in the past?
Should you ever want to do The Mole?
Is Steve as much of a klutz in real life?
Are there any challenges that Gilles wouldn’t do?
Did the Cape Town museum know everything?
How much fun was the ostrich game and what elements were removed?
What is the key to a good reveal location?
Is it fun to have a final loser who is completely wrong?
Are some of the clues a bit too obtuse?
Does Gilles have a favourite clue?
Gilles asks for our suspect lists.
Do they put out red herrings?
Logan is thrown under the bus.
Which of the three countries is Gilles’ favourite?
How do they avoid getting spotted?
Did they expect Ruth’s paint bomb to go off?
Will the cliffhangers continue?
Why are the executions so abrupt?
What backups are in place for executions?
Are executed candidates sequestered?
Does the Mole get a prize if they’re not suspected?
Do loved ones help or hinder?
We discuss (the lack of) merchandise.
Do candidates keep their Mole books?
What impresses Gilles the most?
Is there a balance between stereotypes and culture?
Where in the world does Gilles want to go?
Would China work as a Mole location?
What’s the deal with BMW?
Does Gilles have the coolest job in the world?
Are there any candidates who would make great moles?
What makes a good mole?
How fun was it to impersonate the Mole in South Africa?
Is it difficult not to say anything once Gilles is home?
Michael makes a finale-themed promise?
We talk weird theories?
What happen if the Mole fell ill?
We get some teases for the finale.
Gilles refuses to apologise.
Are any of the theories on Café de Mol correct?
Is there a reason that no candidates are on social media?
There’s a surprise title drop.
And we make our final predictions.

Thursday May 10, 2018
Mole Know-It-Nothings
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Michael & Anthony are back and more confused than ever by the seventh episode of De Mol België Season 6. In this episode:
We’ve lost our confidence.
Why does everyone still have a different theory?
Anthony breaks his cardinal rule.
Michael has an issue with Gilles.
We’re smug about Mole books.
There’s a lesson on Cinco de Mayo.
Should you gamble on every €1500 challenge?
How long was it until we realised that Pascale was still alive?
We disparage a sponsor.
Should the golf balls have been a red herring?
One of the triathlon temptations wasn’t even a choice.
Michael thinks he’s spotted a Marvel-lous clue.
History threatens to repeat itself.
The second assignment gives us classic Mole US vibes.
Anthony goes down a rabbit hole.
We both hate riddles.
Where would the Mole want to be in the third challenge?
How important is it to win the Mole book game?
An old Wie is de Mol trope returns.
Was there a loophole in the candle game?
There’s a live call with The Mole.
Michael tries to predict challenge values.
Anthony is shocked by the elimination.
Have we seen the last of the Mole books?
Will we see a reveal in the finale?
The rabbit hole gives us some new theories.
Michael is a pedantic Catholic.
There’s some potentially famous last words.
We have a huge announcement.
And Michael issues a cringe warning.