Reality TV Warriors

Thursday May 03, 2018
La Tortilla Dorada
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Michael & Anthony return once more to recap the sixth episode of the sixth season of De Mol België! In this episode:
How is Anthony like Gilles?
We still refuse to gloat.
Michael demands your praise.
There's a little Avengers chat.
Why does the show feel so good?
We beg a bit more.
Michael gets pedantic.
How do we get the maximum values?
What is the added wrinkle to the canal challenge?
Why was last week's elimination really bad for the team this week?
We get a bit confused.
We invoke the spirit of Chris Moyles for one of the mini-challenges.
How do you tell the difference between Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer?
Was it the right choice to play the joker?
Anthony has some controversial Adele opinions.
How would we have done on the puzzles?
What is the best sabotage for the canal game?
Michael shows off his Wheel of Fortune knowledge.
How hard was the bonus round?
Why does Spotify think Michael is a middle-aged woman?
Was there much point in testing The Mole?
Which punishment would we have picked?
Was Gilles' speech about the punishments hinting at the Mole?
What will happen if Lloyd gets executed?
We're mentally scarred by one of the horror films.
Why would you ever pick the mystery box?
Which was the most useless punishment?
Anthony stumbles upon a Mole Australia challenge.
Why does De Mol België love cowboys?
We've found the new goat yoga.
Why was the tin can alley so difficult?
There were some wonderful songs appearing this week.
How is the Golden Tortilla a perfect metaphor for why Belgian Mole is awesome?
There's an update on the pot.
At what point should you stick with your gut and stop spreading?
How mortifying would it be to make the final and not know who the Mole is?
Why did we learn so little at the test?
Who is our new winner?
Who will be the final three?
And who will be the final victim of the Mole?

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Gilles Demands Your Silence
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Michael & Anthony return once more to recap the fifth episode of the sixth season of De Mol België. In this episode:
We're disappointed not to be joined by an Australian sociopath.
We discuss familial resemblance.
Michael considers breaking a promise.
There's more praise for production choices.
Michael spots a clue (No, really!)
Old people on rollercoasters is always funny.
Anthony shows off his theme park experience.
We try and save everyone from having to do twelve non-stop rollercoaster rides.
Is maths on a log flume that impressive?
How do you sabotage the theme park challenge?
How easy is it to leave a handbrake on?
Which loved one was most useful?
One suspect list has been decimated in the past couple of weeks.
One candidate is a secret fan of Splatoon 2.
Was there an expected level of difficulty in the quiz questions?
How much did the loved ones affect the cashing out decision at the cinema?
Who would we pick as our loved ones?
We try to resist sounding heartless.
Did the Mole really enjoy a family visit?
We feel sorry for Gilles.
Michael is uncultured.
We spot an error in one of the questions.
Was the parking ticket a set-up?
We try and guess how the games get planned.
What would we and should we have picked in the Mexican Standoff?
We try and get into the mind of The Mole.
Should you take the pasvragen?
At what point should you go all in?
Who would we have shot?
How on Earth do you win the Mexican Standoff?
Gilles is a Reverse Oprah.
Will we get a new version of Shosholoza For Life?
We ask for a post-episode disclaimer.
Anthony asks for some Dutch.
Michael is devastated.
Would we see an appearance by an old Mole?
All the stereotypes play out at the elimination.
What will the Mole book challenge be?
Did the right person go home?
Why was Steve such a doofus?
Would a UK Mole work anymore?
Who is on our suspect lists?
Who will be executed next?
And who will be in the final three?

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Painting the Town Blank
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Michael returns alongside fellow Brit Anthony to recap the (slightly delayed) fourth episode of the sixth season of De Mol België. In this episode:
We try and warn people off quiz apps.
What is Anthony’s Mole legacy?
There’s two new suspects.
Did the previously have a hint?
Are we Art lovers?
What is it that we love about Belgian Mole?
There’s another classic de Coster dick moment.
Is Joke playing too hard to be the Mole?
What counts as a position where you can sabotage?
What was nearly Anthony’s intro?
How do you know the value of currencies?
We debate the logistics of an appearance by the Bomb Squad.
Michael breaks a puzzle.
Pieter gets married.
How do you sabotage the warehouse game?
Would they pick another young mole?
Why is De Mol like The Chase?
Anthony tires of riddles.
Why does Belgian Mole love paint bombs?
Can Pieter really be The Mole?
Was the luchador challenge a lost cause?
Who did we think would be executed?
Is winning more important than the cash?
Michael searches for a euphemism.
HaMerotz LaMillion taught us something about Mexico.
Is the clue that someone spotted on Reddit correct?
Did history repeat itself?
Why is context so important when discussing winners?
We eulogise the executed.
Michael really wants to find a hidden clue.
We agree on our suspect lists.
And who will be the next to be executed?

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Kennis is Macht
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Michael & Logan return to recap the third episode of De Mol België’s sixth season. In this episode:
Did Michael’s Grandad hear him?
Why is Belgian Mole so good?
Katrien’s old habits die hard.
Was Steve too blatant at the piñata task?
Have we finally spotted a clue?
Why did the piñata team need their own Good Janet?
Were the songs a hint?
We rule someone out.
Will they pick a young mole again?
Why do Spanish people love George Michael?
How do you tell the difference between Mozart & Beethoven?
Logan says someone looks like a serial killer.
Michael finds a way for the Mole to sabotage the tequila quiz.
Who do we want to see drunk?
We learn about Belgian STDs.
Was the sombrero task doomed?
How much is Gilles told about the identity of the Mole?
How did the Mole know who was being executed?
Where is the best place to sabotage the racing game?
Logan worries about old people and dogs.
What made them win the driving challenge?
We compare Mole pots.
The execution trend continues.
Why does the case task reveal too much about two people in the group?
Is there any logic in buying pasvragen?
Did the Mole sit back at the airport?
We suspect two different strategies in the case game.
Who is the Mole Damsel-in-Distress?
Who will win?
Who do we suspect?
And Logan asks for more ostriches.

Thursday Apr 05, 2018
The Rogue Padre
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Michael & Logan return once more to recap the second episode of De Mol België’s sixth season. In this episode:
Michael has a visitor.
We gloat about being good guessers.
Logan is disappointed by pasvragen.
How should you always wake up?
We have more praise for the Production team.
The horses get improved.
Could anyone have actually won as the fugitive?
Was the helicopter more dangerous than we thought?
What was the point of the horses?
Is this show really about sabotage?
Jeffrey gets told to chill.
Who sabotaged in the truck?
Michael invokes the coffin argument again.
Should the Mole want to be isolated for a night?
Logan gets a history lesson.
Winnie-the-Pooh is relevant.
Where were the Mexican cowboys?
Are pasvragen really that important?
Is a hidden clue being reused?
How would Michael handle being the fugitive?
Who is the Belgian Ted Rogers Jr?
We discuss the most infamous botched hint ever.
Why was Jeffrey so clumsy?
Would anyone touch the Mole books?
Michael discusses Swedish TV.
Logan plans a pilgrimage.
Why did the Mole never reach Canada?
Should you know how many stars are on the EU flag?
How sabotaged was the baseball task?
What is Belgium’s national sport?
Logan gushes over Salvador.
Which excuses did Katrien & Jeffrey use when they got home?
Why is the pot so high already
Is a pattern forming with the eliminations?
Logan curses the Tatums.
What advantage will the Mole get next week?
Who will be the next to be executed?
And who is on our Suspect Lists now?

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Rex’s and Joke’s
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Michael & Logan return to recap the first episode of the sixth season of De Mol België. In this episode:
Michael is slightly excited about finally podcasting about De Mol België.
What is our Mole pedigree?
How hard is it to watch TV with subtitles?
Will Logan’s streak continue?
Michael has a bad case of the tunnel visions already.
We obsess over Gilles de Coster slightly.
Just how old is this cast?
We ask for a new recurring joke.
Was someone named after a Mole tool?
Would the Mole typically sabotage the first challenge?
What is the scariest thing in this episode?
Logan goes on boxer watch.
How many of the recognisable faces should have been recognisable?
Can you have an old mole?
Katrien needs to work on her car chat.
Logan has no sympathy for people not know Santana.
Where would we have placed ourselves in the mariachi challenge?
Does Belgium play basketball?
How did Duolingo help with the anagrams?
We discuss the long history of great animal challenges.
Why is the cliffhanger challenge a bit…on the nose?
Who is the biggest failure this episode?
Michael’s on dog watch.
Logan’s impeccable suspicions get registered.
Where should the Mole position themselves?
Why was Gilles so obsessed with mole books?
What will be the result of the cliffhanger?
Will Joke be playing for an exemption?
And who do we suspect will be next executed?

Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Mona Covino
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Michael, Logan & Michelle return for the final time to recap the last two episodes of Amazing Race 30 and its visits to Hong Kong & San Francisco. In this episode:
Michael is in denial.
One Racer had a pretty poo-poo ending to their race.
Have Michelle & Logan learnt their lesson from last week?
What classic Amazing Race moment will Michael be recreating?
Should the driver have taken Kristi & Jen on the funicular tracks as a shortcut?
We talk Speed Bump history.
Are they writing detour names just to get onto the face cream clip?
Is it racist to claim that Henry would know Mandarin?
What do camera operators do when their teams have been eliminated?
Logan talks about finale parties and reveals how he got into the 28 one.
How do you break the briefcase task?
Should Bertram have called in a favour for the Roadblock?
What would Michael’s ideal version of this Roadblock have been?
Why are winners so important?
What would have happened if Henry & Evan had got run over by a ding-ding?
Where is the world’s largest Chinatown?
Who would you want to be against in the finals?
Two teams had an unaired connection.
One team in the alliance had a misleading edit.
Should Kristi & Jen have got a penalty at the Roadblock?
Is Michael’s brother a savant?
Michelle has smelt one of the Racers.
What constitutes an Australian food group?
Logan’s lapsed vegetarianism returns.
How did one small error cost Henry & Evan $975,000?
Why does Michael tell jokes?
There’s a celebrity cameo.
How would we have improved the baseball task?
Where did Rebus puzzles get their names from?
Logan hates fortune cookies.
Why wasn’t the final challenge a Roadblock?
We try to break the final challenge.
Michael tries to make sure that Logan & Michelle will never forget this podcast.
What is a hockey fight known as in Boston?
Impression myths get busted.
What happened in 29’s Tanzania legs?
One Racer took on a traditional Epcot challenge.
How would the final challenge be improved with a few more game show elements?
Why was 29 so much better than 30?
Which Racer from 29 is “has been known to be overserved”?
Brittany gets some advice.
We identify a recruit.
Michelle gets called out over her Amazing Race shrine.
What are Brooke & Scott like in real life?
How do you ignore a fight strap?
We make plans for our 250th podcast.
Who is a former fatty?
How would a partner swap work in 29?
We discuss a promise made during last season.
What is the weakest currency?
Why is a winners’ quote important?
Was this the most awkward top two ever?
Why is it disappointing especially that Kristi & Jen didn’t win?
Michael rants about the edit.
Where will the winners go next?
Why didn’t this season work?
How much impact does a winner have on the quality of a season?
Are they the worst winners ever?
And what will happen for Season 31?

Sunday Feb 18, 2018
You, Me & Daly
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Michael, Logan & Michelle return to recap the ninth and tenth legs of Amazing Race 30, its visits to Bahrain and Thailand and also to celebrate Michael’s 200th podcast. In this episode:
Michelle guesses her intro.
Michael regrets his life choices.
How would April & Sarah have done with the camel milking task?
Why did these legs feel so old-school?
Why did we see such a vacuous inane opening scene?
We explain how Brittany showed her class and dignity online.
We make our choice between being nice and being smart.
Michael worries for one Race alumni if he ever has to go to Bahrain.
We recast a cult film.
Has Production been watching Amazing Race Asia badly?
Who is the Kelly & Christy of TAR30?
What happened on the flight?
We discuss our respective flight mishaps.
Why don’t we like the UAE?
Michelle hates long-sleeves.
What was the unaired task?
Production defied Phil’s guidance.
How do you argue on TV?
Why did we have to see Henry & Evan not be able to break a pot?
How do camels make everything better?
Michael uses a long convoluted WIDM metaphor to explain a point.
We try and avoid talking about penises.
Logan discusses the kids’ show he’s been watching.
We discuss terrible hashtags.
Was Leg 9 really meant to be an elimination?
We briefly touch upon HaMerotz’s latest twist.
What will Lucas & Brittany’s legacy be?
Why will Henry & Evan win?
One team is the complete antithesis to Brooke & Scott.
Why is one particular team so ignorant?
How are we celebrating the 200th episode for Michael and why is it a stinger?
Australia has a different meaning for the term “frog men”.
Michelle & Logan try and sabotage the edit.
There’s more love for Conor’s phrasing skills.
Why did no-one carry the frogs in their t-shirts?
Is there logic to choosing a fun detour in an obvious non-elimination?
What is a “boys’ detour”?
Michael explains why the difference between being passive and lacking self-confidence.
Who is the Amazing Race version of Sherlock?
How does our intro music reveal a different type of winners’ edit than what we’re seeing this season?
We tell people to stop being racist.
Why are Winter Olympians generally so intelligent?
There’s some begging for impressions.
Michael compliments something from Amazing Race Canada 5.
One songthaew leads down a wormhole of early-2000s gameshows.
Jen misses out on the coveted Quote of the Episode title.
Why have they never used San Diego?
And we make our final predictions.