Reality TV Warriors

Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Zimbabwean Fried Chicken
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Michael, Logan & Michelle return to recap the seventh & eighth legs of Amazing Race 30 and its trip to Zimbabwe. In this episode:
We of course repay the favour to Justin & Diana.
The podcast gets a new slogan.
Logan gets fact checked.
Why were the departure times missing?
The chat is brought back to anoraks.
Michelle gets a challenge.
Michael thinks of Canada.
We have Family Edition flashbacks.
Who was the booby prize of the singles season?
How should Phil have woken everyone?
Mealtime at the Bush Camp gets spicy and a cameo from a Race alumni.
How would we have arranged the partner swap?
Which is faster – a horse or a car?
Why does Brittany mention the engagement so much?
One side of the first detour was a little bit Israeli.
Who is the funniest character of the season?
What is the difference between a rower and a paddler?
What were the rumours when the Inspector Gadget film came out?
Logan shows off his knowledge of Disney films.
Why does Conor hate zebfas?
Was this actually a double-length leg?
Should Evan have helped her rivals?
Michael proves himself to basically be Veruca Salt.
Logan learns what a haberdashery is.
Why were those two teams U-Turned?
What do we know about Zimbabwe?
One NPC proves himself to be a touch Probstian.
We display our Knack for terrible puns.
Why did Eric & Daniel lose?
History repeats itself at the Pit Stop.
We love Henry’s glasses.
We play an awkward game of “List each other’s achievements”.
Michelle experiences some satellite delay.
Logan reveals his next big trip.
And what will happen next week?

Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Circling The Drain Cover
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Michael, Anthony & Michelle return for the final time to recap the final episode of the third series of Hunted. In this episode:
Did the editors fake us out?
Was this the best finale we’ve covered?
We discuss the video of Joe & Dan’s gig.
We extol the virtues of Northern belligerence.
One listener gets a shoutout for being even sadder than us.
It’s been a good week for one fugitive.
We look at what Bleks answered in his Twitter Q&A.
Michelle learns about the Legend of Ellie Lust.
Where was Alex’s scrap of paper?
How much planning did Joe & Dan do before going on the Run?
Our Musical Theatre correspondent isn’t happy with one pair.
Is it ethical for the Hunters to lie?
Why do we love Hunted so much?
Michelle invents the TV show “Wanted”.
We compare the winners’ stories.
Why did it take so long for us to see the wanted posters?
Just how close was Bob to being captured?
Our Hunted fan fiction dreams come true.
Is there any sense in fugitives betraying each other?
We meet a new slightly random NPC.
Michelle learns about anoraks.
We stereotype our listeners and one of the hunters.
Will we ever see a clean sweep?
We find the one reason that Anthony would ever be cast.
Sherlock feels our disappointment.
How do you get information on call signs?
What is the best thing in the world, at least according to one person?
We expose a feud tearing HQ apart.
Who cried at the ending?
Why was no-one on the right side of the river?
Anthony has some Gold Command intel.
Why can’t the show be rigged?
Should Bob have fallen on his sword?
We try and get Anthony out of babysitting.
And we look ahead to next series with our legendary prediction skills.
Thank you for listening all series – we will be back when Hunted is!

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
SpaMerotz LaMillion
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Michael, Logan & Michelle return to recap the fifth episode and sixth leg of Amazing Race 30 and its visit to Prague, Czech Republic. In this episode:
We discuss the plan to let Covino & Rado get Logan drunk.
Why is the season going to feel even quicker in Canada?
Michael teaches us about beggers and Logan teaches us about gypsies.
We bring up Michelle’s telling of the most Australian story in history from the Hunted podcast again.
Was this the worst flight scramble in Amazing Race history?
How will the partner swap work?
Who benefits most from the partner swap?
This U-Turn sucks.
How could you make the U-Turn funnier?
How can you prove that the Earth is flat?
Michelle reveals her favourite word.
The “that” detour sees Amazing Race channel Giles the Butler.
Does anyone on the podcast know how to pour a perfect pint?
What was Henry doing with his life rather than drinking beer?
What is one of the scariest things that Michael has ever done?
Why are Trevor & Chris so like Michael & Logan?
Michelle despairs of a dirty joke again.
How difficult is it to pour a glass of foam?
Michael invokes the Mole (obviously).
Why didn’t Alex & Conor U-Turn?
Why did they make the W-Turn board so public?
Conor becomes a walking stereotype.
How would HaMerotz have done the beer spa task?
It has been a bad week for dad bods.
Should you ever take the underground over a taxi?
Eric & Daniel prove themselves to be even more underedited than we thought.
Was this leg full of more Communist propaganda?
Michelle is afraid of hay fever during Roadblocks.
The elimination structure is weird.
What did Kristi & Jen do to anger Travelocity?
We imagine what the pitch meetings for Big Brother 17 were like with Phil.
Who provided the voice for the Roadblock phones?
One pair displays a particular talent for social games.
How would we improve the Roadblock?
Is the big twist going to be the Revival Pass?
Logan wants more tongue.
Is the Partner Swap the biggest twist ever?
Who will be eliminated next?
Which African countries will be visited next?
And is there anyone we want to see paired up?

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Dedications to my Bleks
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Michael, Anthony & Michelle return to recap the fifth episode of Hunted UK's third series. In this episode:
Our first pre-credits sequence sees Anthony try and predict his intro.
One of us is actually a success for once.
How does Amazing Race show how good Hunted has been this year?
We explain why this episode was utterly superb.
Who is the basic bitch of Hunted?
We (obviously) discuss Magid’s twitter thread.
Why would Michael never win Hunted?
One Hunter’s nickname becomes somehow more ridiculously.
Which Hunter gained most from Bob’s bath in the wild?
Why did Alex have to meet Lynne?
Do we have a Hunted Kingpin?
We heap praise on the editors’ handling of Alex’s bullying stories.
Michelle still adores Doctor Donna.
Did Joe & Dan listen to our Series 2 podcasts?
Would you ever feel guilt for going on the Run?
Michelle drops a home truth about parenting.
Why have Joe & Dan been so underedited.
We suggest a wild Hunted idea.
Michelle has a great story involving a wallaby and a golf cart.
Why does the bedtime story idea answer a question that we asked in week 2?
What did we know about Bleks’ taunt when it was initially released?
We imagine Bleks in panto.
All we want is someone to say The Code.
How do you get cast on a TV show?
Is there any excuse for the Goughs revealing everything?
We try and explain the concept of Amazon to Michelle.
Should Bob have pre-arranged his lift to Newcastle?
How should you lie?
Why would Joe & Dan go *so* risky?
Why have we seen so many cliffhangers result in captures?
How do you fake a live video?
Why is Bob crying next week?
And who will make it to the end?
We’re back for the finale next week!

Sunday Jan 28, 2018
The Walking Ced
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Michael, Logan & Michelle return to recap the fourth and fifth episodes of Amazing Race 30 and its legs in Southern France. In this episode:
Why is Logan like Trevor & Chris?
The editors are back in our good books.
We find a positive for the season.
Our least favourite team get a history lesson.
Michelle asks for a little cooperation from Mother Nature.
We rename pétanque, for Logan's sake.
Phil is a traitor.
Our comparison for one team proves a little *too* on the nose.
How does Conor avoid paying rent?
Michael has one of his traditional rants.
Michelle says the word "bread" a bit too much.
Logan’s sartorial choices come back to bite him.
We tire of hashtags.
Why was Evan super lucky when she chipped her tooth?
One Racer joins a dynasty of actors & dictators.
We discuss the adorable dog.
Michelle learns about competitive eating.
Logan is figuratively on “literally” watch.
We rank old people.
Who has gained the most from the Double-Battle?
Is the Mayor of Les Baux still alive?
We welcome some airtime (finally) for Trevor & Chris.
What did Evan do during the rest period?
One team gets a lesson on European cars.
Logan mentions he’s been to Dubrovnik.
What did Lucas really want to say when he proposed?
Was a six-year old in charge of the second Roadblock?
Michael asks for some rotten fruit.
Logan learns about pergolas.
There’s the glorious return of Australian words for things.
We imagine Alex & Conor’s home life.
Anaesthesia is somehow relevant.
What is Logan’s drink of choice?
A rant from Amazing Race Canada returns.
Michael spots some monkeying with the timeline.
What were Lucas’ “headphones”?
Michelle shows her Balinese knowledge.
Everyone hates a proposal.
What condemned Joey & Tim?
What would Elimination Station have been like by this point?
We reveal our next project after Hunted & Amazing Race.
And who will (not?) be eliminated next?

Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Chekhov’s Dog
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Michael & Michelle return to recap the fourth episode of Hunted UK's third series. In this episode:
Where is Anthony & why have we replaced him with an inanimate object?
Why did Jamie actually stop?
Would anyone stop if the Hunters asked them to?
Michelle asks for different casting archetypes.
We bring back Pennywise & Henry VIII.
Why did Magid WhatsApp Patient Donna?
There's more stories of the Australian from Michael's work.
Did anyone actually believe that Bob & Alex were in danger?
Had Bob really thrown in the towel?
Would Masons lie?
Michelle finds some compassion, although not for Doctor Donna.
Is living at home at 26 a bad thing?
One fugitive's name keeps changing.
There's a wonderful editing joke thanks to the Somali letter.
Do the Hunters know Alex is autistic?
Are all vans inherently suspicious?
Why did Floyd the Dog get a close-up?
Is panicking sometimes a good thing?
Can splitting up help you win?
Why was the Masons' form a particularly mean prank to play on Bleks?
How much metadata does Twitter contain?
Michelle would love to be questioned by Sherlock.
How big are trackers?
What are Hunted's first two rules?
Anthony's specialist subject comes up on the one week he doesn't join us.
Who will win?
And Michael reveals one of the videos that he's been sitting on, but was it a trick?

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
The One with the Different Features
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Michael, Logan, Michelle & Ben return to recap the third episode of Amazing Race 30 and its visit to Tangier, Morocco. In this episode:
We celebrate that milestone of 218 episodes.
Why is this season better than expected?
Ben gets corrected.
Is this the least-competitive cast ever?
Michelle’s double life gets revealed.
We’re not surprised that Henry & Evan know languages.
We suggest a change for future seasons that will make twin teams much easier to watch.
Ben reveals his love of intros.
We worry for the Travelocity Gnome.
Logan loses his Simpsons know-it-all credentials.
We avoid etiquette and discuss Michelle’s age.
Why didn’t Shawn call out to Cedric?
One team turns to cannibalism.
Was there a consequence for not dancing?
Michelle gets excited and asks for a new ringtone.
Michael offers a shovel.
What are the stereotypes of IndyCar drivers?
Who was the last person that Amazing Race made famous?
Logan asks for more dancing.
One team gets compared to Michael’s favourites.
And we separate the cast into tiers.

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
In Vino Veritas
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Michael, Anthony & Michelle return to recap the third episode of Hunted UK’s third series. In this episode:
Michelle describes Michael as a “bad boy”.
A surprise is sprung, thanks to a listener.
Anthony pays his debt.
Will social media clips ever make it to the show?
There’s interesting US Hunted flashbacks.
What do we actually know about the series?
The Vegas of Scotland gets a shoutout.
The watershed discussion returns.
Was something in the water at HQ this week?
Why did all the ladies leave first?
How did one pair endear themselves to us?
Does Sherlock know about us?
HQ gains someone particularly plain this year.
Michelle gets frustrated.
Anthony has been stalking Gold Command.
What was the timeframe of this episode?
We have to cut a friend of the podcast slightly loose.
There’s some kind words for one NPC.
How would Michelle’s husband do on Survivor?
Which Hunter team would you actually want chasing you?
Michelle takes umbrage with something Dr Donna says.
One team’s edit is not just textbook winners’ edit, but elevates a winners’ edit.
What do all good Reality TV shows need?
Michael gets triggered.
We use our game show experience to explain why people are wrong.
Did they go looking for Masons this year?
What would happen if Anthony & Michael applied?
We spot an interesting slip of the tongue.
Why wasn’t the Arena attack mentioned?
Is there a loose connection between Michael & a Hunter?
We – for once and for all – prove the existence of Gold Command.
Anthony has a thought.
How could Lesley become more badass?
What is this series missing?
Why are Joe & Dan so underedited?
Sherlock hates swing.
Have we spotted a hidden code for once in our lives?
Should you brief your friends before going on the run?
Michael is bad with secrets.
Will the Ghost Agent antics affect Series 4?
We talk work Christmas parties.
Someone becomes Anti-Sherlock.
Anthony avoids a question.
We try to skirt some rules and get some freebies.
How strategic was Charlotte’s move?
Michelle tells us about Stranger Danger.
We subtitle the series.
We look forward to next week.
And the best stinger in years sees Bleks join Cbeebies.