Reality TV Warriors

Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Still Fifty More Than You, Canada
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Logan & Michael (reluctantly) return to preview the upcoming Amazing Race Canada Season and celebrate TWO HUNDRED PODCASTS! In this very special episode:
We switch things up for the 200th episode.
We spitball some alternative intros.
Why are we podcasting this season?
What is the current state of play for Amazing Race Canada?
There’s a yacht story!
Why are we apprehensive about the season?
We discuss our varied history with YouTubers.
Why is everyone so young?
Why is targeting millennials stupid?
Logan has been watching videos.
Michael calls out whoever edits the website.
Someone breaks the MH rules.
We forgot to do something very important.
Will the Quebec legacy continue?
Logan talks basketball.
One sponsor is a bit creepy.
What sort of things should you bring on the Race?
Why are there so many Congolese racers?
Michael has no idea about sport.
Who is the new Mel White?
Pizza Pizza gets a shoutout.
Why are some first boots forgettable?
We recap Logan’s latest trip to LA.
Has Logan had boxed wine?
What is an autobiography?
One team is so bad that they’ll finish eleventh out of ten.
Is there an obvious winner?
How do you prepare for a Race themed around Canada 150?
What is the normal reaction to a team comparing themselves to the VoldeMussolinis?
We discuss Alex Trebek’s rapping.
Logan ruins a great joke.
One Racer is a huge Big Brother fan.
Something is finally made Podcast canon.
How do you find a Saunders grave?
One Racer isn’t a Survivor fan.
Two items brought by one team are a bit sinister.
Where’s Monty?
How did one team prepare for a gross food challenge?
Logan shows off his Magic Mike knowledge.
Michael knows a hip hop song.
We outdo Sir Mixalot.
One team channels Tobias Fünke.
A walk-on song is a callback joke!
How is Amazing Race Canada like Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Who is the voice of Sonic the Hedgehog?
Lame Roadtrips.
Why does Ultimate Frisbee make Logan hate a team?
Why is one team a less-successful Kaylani & Lisa?
When is a word not a word?
Who is not a Hershey bar?
And how should you imagine Michael to be dressed while he’s podcasting?
Thank you to everyone who’s listened over the past two hundred episodes – here’s to hundreds more (just maybe not Amazing Race Canada ones…)

Monday Jun 05, 2017
”Say Balls!”
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Michael & Michelle return to recap the finale of Amazing Race 29 and its visit to Chicago. In this episode:
Did we approve of the winners?
Michelle plays Top Trumps.
Someone’s been hacked.
Why did Production try to spoil the ending?
What is Michael’s biggest complaint about the season?
What is Premium Economy?
We compare our quick driving skills.
Michael pilfers a feature from another podcast.
Is checking bags in cheating?
Did one Racer edit their bio to hint at their partner?
Michelle wants a hot dog.
Has Amazing Race ever not been a social game?
Why have people gone so crazy?
We ask for suggestions for Podcast #200.
We reveal a slight prank that was played on Logan.
Michelle mentions her Sydney races a few times.
A Superfan card gets revoked.
We both hate running.
Why was this season filming for so long?
Why was part of the hot dog task unaired?
Are hot dogs like McDonalds?
Why are there stands on rooftops?
Michelle asks for some American contact.
Will someone get us some merchandise?
Michael defends the final challenge.
How did the Red Sox get someone in trouble?
Why will Logan be smug?
We defy the rubbish about this being the worst season or winners ever.
Michelle hasn’t been listening.
We actually get some listener questions.
What makes a good season?
Michelle talks about Bertram’s room.
Why won’t we see a familiar face on Australian Survivor?
Trolls have taken it too far.
And we eulogise the season.
Thank you everyone so much for listening all season – we’ll be back for Podcast 200 very soon!

Sunday May 28, 2017
Better Call Seoul
Sunday May 28, 2017
Sunday May 28, 2017
Michael & Logan return to recap the penultimate episode of Amazing Race 29 and its visit to Seoul, South Korea! In this episode:
Logan loves Street Fighter.
Who is most Heisenberg?
What will Logan’s future hobby be?
When can Scott’s secret Express Pass be used until?
We talk about K-Pop rehearsals.
How could London & Logan get less of an edit?
How should Korean boxers train?
We confirm a location for Amazing Race 30.
Where do the most endangered species in the world live?
Logan gets hair envy.
Where in Canada is most likely to partake in cup stacking?
Brooke is Oprah.
What did Joey think the first Roadblock was about?
We suggest a gift for one Racer.
How could All-Stars get worse?
What is our most frequently joked-about topic?
Logan takes us through the unaired handicaps.
Is age a barrier for video games?
We pick apart some of the unfortunate quotes from the Street Fighter task.
Sisters play video games too!
We invoke Roger Ebert.
There’s a critique of Street Fighter charaters.
What should Brooke & Scott have won?
Someone gets the Tyra Banks treatment.
Logan makes an error about video games.
What’s with all the standing ovations lately?
We briefly discuss Survivor New Zealand.
What will be our next Amazing Race season?
Michael spots a subtle editing joke.
What was Tara’s last game?
Michael busts a myth (slightly inaccurately).
We talk placement averages, exposing a record that is actually up for grabs next week.
What do we expect from Amazing Race 30?
Michael issues an ultimatum.
And who will win?

Monday May 22, 2017
Putting the ’Fun’ in ’Funeral’
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
Michael, Logan & Michelle return to recap the ninth & tenth episodes of Amazing Race 29 and its Vietnam legs! In this episode:
Will we actually be podcasting about Amazing Race Canada?
What are Michelle & Logan’s greatest fears?
Did the U-Turn actually have an effect last week?
Is Joey a liar?
Scott swears.
Why do people say that Brooke is worse than Flo?
Michelle is gullible.
Michael gives a Netflix recommendation.
Who is the biggest poser in this cast?
Someone commits a cardinal sin.
We delve into an alternate universe.
Who was the first Communist action hero?
Logan makes jokes about Dong.
Lil Bow Wow gets jealous.
We get all the stories from the pharmacy.
Would the fun meter have survived a bungee jump?
We go a bit Robin Williams.
We have a new theme song courtesy of one Racer.
Michael asks for a klaxon.
How do you decide between a truck, a roadrunner and a Motorboating Nixon?
Michelle struggles to keep up.
Logan refuses to do an impression.
Why are people scared of ladders?
What is “the ladder” code for?
Are Brooke & Scott the best ‘hot mess’ team ever?
We talk about how Phil talks.
Someone needs a bucket of cold water.
Why did Joey collapse?
Who is the biggest fan of Pussycat Dolls?
Can you name all of Charlie’s Angels?
One Racer becomes Jon Snow.
Logan talks baseball.
When is an underdog story actually a comeback story?
We have suggestions for the gnome.
Michelle improves the Speed Bump and then wants to fix her child.
What rapper is Phil actually?
What was the key to the Roadblock?
One Racer channels China-era Probst.
There’s some more mean challenges.
Logan apparently has a connection to an Amazing Race Canada alumnus.
How would Production have dealt with a double medevac?
It all goes a bit Ke$ha.
One Racer has a Solitary experience.
We discuss weird Pit Stop entrances.
Who is Baby Mario?
Brooke insults Redmond.
One team goes Freaky Friday.
The episode gets bookended.
Logan talks Street Fighter.
We (literally) eulogise one team.
Who is most likely to play video games?
And who will be eliminated next?

Monday May 15, 2017
Runner/Not a Runner
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
Michael & Logan return to recap the eighth episode of Amazing Race 29 and its visit to Greece! In this episode:
We discuss the NHS hack.
Logan premieres a new impression.
There’s some terrible editing.
We discuss the world’s worst song lyrics.
Does Scott have an Express Pass?
There’s a tangent about weird Canadian board games.
CBS get congratulated.
What will happen if there is a season 30? (Spoilers: there is)
Brooke gets a frankenedit.
The intro music might be getting remixed.
Internal flights are the worst.
Who is a Super Punch-Out!! character?
Logan makes more insensitive jokes about Colorado.
How did Michael watch the episode?
Why was one task particularly offensive?
We discuss TLC’s programming.
Logan knows old people.
The U-Turn placement was actually not terrible.
Was Phil in heat?
We suggest another cameo.
Why is Logan being so slow with the TARstorian project?
A secret scene sheds light on one argument from the episode.
Can Liz actually drive?
How do you win a poop airtime battle?
Logan gets immature.
Scott goes a bit Tyra Banks.
There’s an unaired partner switch.
Rupert reappears!
Who is the biggest threat left?
Logan picks the wrong Canadian team.
How much does Mike hate stairs?
There’s a joke so dirty that even Logan disapproves.
We go to our Olympic correspondent.
How tough are Tara & Joey?
We complain about Speed Bumps some more.
Logan recasts the Roadblock.
Is Tara in the army?
There’s more dreadful Joey impressions.
How many people in this cast were in a marching band?
Which Racer would ace Amazing Race Canada?
Phil tries another Blind Date season.
The Speed Bump creeped out Logan.
We talk leg averages.
Were the next two legs supposed to be a double?
Which Route Marker in Amazing Race history does Michael know best?
Who will be eliminated next?
And has Liz ever watched House of Cards?

Monday May 08, 2017
Awesome Man & Justice Guy
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
Michael & Logan return to recap the seventh episode of Amazing Race 29 and its visit to Venice, Italy! In this episode:
We talk about extracurricular activities.
Has Michael ever mentioned going to Venice?
Why is the entire cast full of bullies?
We talk about Scott’s podcast.
Logan raps.
Why was this detour not as bad as it may have appeared?
Who emulates Jeff Probst?
Someone gets to be a f-ing superhero!
A reign comes to an end.
Who are the villains really?
Michael calls a winners’ edit.
The one remix a season rule is invoked.
What is our pub quiz team name?
Logan sings songs from Grease badly.
Redmond exaggerates.
We talk the bags that people packed.
Someone goes Italian.
Can Logan remember his Christmas present?
Should you swim in the Grand Canal?
Stairs are never good in Venice.
Has Pokémon made it to Canada?
Michael fake laughs.
Who is the new Courtney Yates?
Logan’s Joey impression gets even worse (somehow)!
We dissect everyone’s edits.
Flo Rida makes an appearance.
Allan Wu’s successor finally finishes waiting.
Someone earns permanent thug lyfe status.
Who will be U-Turned?
Which Racer would you rather punch you in the face?
What is the placement tiebreaker?
We hate Speed Bumps.
Is a Switchback coming?
And who will be eliminated next?

Monday May 01, 2017
The Cursed Keesh
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Michael, Logan & Michelle return to recap the sixth episode of Amazing Race 29 and its visit to Lake Como, Italy. In this episode:
Who is the Vanck & Ashton of the podcast?
What should we do for Podcast #200?
What is the state of play halfway through the season?
Logan tries to do maths quickly.
We suggest a YouTube how-to that one Racer can create.
There’s a twist brought back from Season 26.
There’s some more CBS fakery!
Sara gets a friend.
The Fast Forward goes Canadian.
What is the Australian for “jackass”?
No-one can identify Logan’s impressions.
Why is there so much U-Turn vitriol?
Michael has been watching secret scenes.
Michelle is really mean.
We pull apart someone’s bio again.
Logan’s Europe trip didn’t go a bit Mole 2.
Why is the US drinking age 21?
Where is the world’s longest tram line?
Where should TAR 30 go?
What could be Tara & Joey’s downfall?
Who is the real villain of the season?
We give a shoutout to There’s Something About Mary.
There’s the promise of a face cream remix.
Des’ree makes an appearance.
One Racer goes Spielburg.
Michelle’s husband is a boat guy.
Logan tries to teach us about Argentina.
One team gets a new storyline.
Why were Vanck & Ashton targeted?
We cross over to our pregnancy correspondent.
We talk exit interviews.
How far behind were Vanck & Ashton?
Will next week be a non-elimination leg?
We demonstrate our rap knowledge.
And who will (not) be eliminated next?

Monday Apr 24, 2017
Rowling, Retching and Racing
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Michael, Logan & Michelle return to recap the fourth and fifth episodes of Amazing Race 29. In this episode:
Michelle forgot it was two episodes.
Scheduling is weird.
Phil seems to think he’s Jeff Probst.
When was the last Blind Double U-Turn?
One of the Route Markers was significant.
Logan spots a massive clue.
Phil is influenced by a Racer.
A Harry Potter conversation becomes a challenger for the stupidest tangent ever.
Michelle contradicts herself.
Would we have given away the spare key?
What is “side eye” code for?
How would Michelle get on with Shamir?
We learn about a rival to Deputy Minister Patana’s crown.
Did Ice T make a cameo?
Logan’s imagination gets a bit dark.
Why did one team’s exit nearly become even more humiliating?
Shamir gets blanked.
Next Time comes a lot quicker than normal.
We hate the episode titles.
Logan tells a dad joke.
How many U-Turns will there be?
We talk surströmming.
Why is Oslo like Miami?
For some reason, Logan references the non-canon Lion King sequels.
Who is the Donkey of the Race?
Michelle tells a vomit story.
Who does Logan wish did the Fast Forward?
Did a HaMerotz-style punishment happen?
There’s a dramatic reading of a scene from an alternative timeline.
We call out a liar.
The Fast Forward breaks a record.
Michelle is a pyromaniac.
Why did we pray for a Roadblock mistake?
Who is the Ric Flair of Amazing Race?
The Detour is confusing.
Logan is lupine.
One team has already forgotten leg 1.
We compare place names.
We finally find an impression that Logan isn’t catastrophically bad at.
Why did Tara not trust the lure?
Which way is North?
Someone gives out some ironic criticism.
Should Trolls have gone more comic book?
Was it a good idea to drive to the Pit Stop?
The Detour goes Charmed.
There’s a classic CBS cliffhanger.
Who will be U-Turned and Eliminated next week?
And we discuss sneaky Keep on Racings.