Reality TV Warriors

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Jij Weet Niets
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Michael & Logan return to recap the seventh episode of Wie is de Mol 2019. In this episode:
Where in the world is Logan Saunders?
Michael returns to a week 1 topic.
Whatever happened to the opening jokers twist?
We lament the loss of Rick Paul and his increasingly frustrated existence.
There’s a visit from an old friend from Hunted.
There’s an unexpected impression.
Merel finally has a breakout episode.
Logan tries to guess where the final reveal will be.
What are Michael’s finale plans?
What would we have chosen in the Path of Temptation?
Where has all the pot money gone?
Michael recommends a YouTube video.
Where was the Mole during the Path of Temptation?
Who benefited from the temptations?
Why wasn’t Sarah drinking?
How could Sinan wreck the season?
Why was Sarah looking for a black exemption?
We try to bring back a challenge from last year.
Where did they find the Going Bananas song?
Michael spots a discrepancy.
How did everyone miss the third tube?
Logan tries to trip Michael up with tongue twisters.
Why was Rik so mean at the executions?
How bad was the performance in the banana challenge?
Michael is smug.
Why has Sinan got an unfair advantage next week?
Who’s on our Suspect List?
Who will be the victim of the final execution?
And we obviously touch upon Belgian Mole’s impending return.
To play this week’s Suspect List, go to
To watch Angela singing Private Dancer, go to

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
And Then There Were None
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Michael, Anthony & Michelle return for the final time this series to recap the Hunted Series 4 Finale Extravaganza. In this episode:
Why was everyone so indifferent towards this finale?
Did anyone see the ending coming?
Is the extraction point information alert necessary?
Can Michelle tell Steves apart?
Why did Ish write anything?
Why was Ish’s capture so abrupt?
What was Frank & Harry’s motivation for going on the run?
Anthony gives us his favourite conspiracy theory of the week.
Michael breaks the swear barrier.
Who was meant to be the voice of reason?
How much money did Harry owe Frank from his winnings?
Would Ish & Nate have succeeded if they’d stayed together?
Where actually is HQ?
Would we have given in to £4,000?
Was the extraction method phone call longer than we saw?
How did Bleks guess they’d leave by helicopter?
Does the extraction method have to take them out of the country?
Did Frank & Harry watch Amazing Race before they went on the run?
Does Sherlock know geography?
Michelle learns about ring roads.
Did HQ let Nate get away?
Why was there a camera in the markets?
Michael asks the important questions.
Did HQ cheat to get the extraction information?
Should we have spotted the clean sweep coming?
Where was the winner’s edit?
We break down the final capture.
Did the fugitives ever stand a chance?
Michael has a message for the keyboard warriors.
Why was Matt edited in that way?
Why did no-one send Anthony a message this year?
Did the editors know about Bleks’ retirement?
How did the clean sweep factor into Celebrity Hunted?
Would the series change on a rewatch?
Did the clean sweep constitute fraud?
Why are there crowdfunding campaigns?
How are TV show prize pots funded?
There’s the results of our favourite game.
Who should be the next Chief?
We find a transatlantic friend for Doug.
And we close the series with our thank yous and goodbyes before something breaks.
Thank you for listening all series long - we'll be back for more Hunted episodes soon! If you're watching Wie is de Mol, we're covering that this year before Belgian Mole and Amazing Race 31! See you soon!

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Seven Deadly Sinans
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Michael & Logan return to recap the sixth episode of Wie is de Mol 2019. In this episode:
Where was Logan last week?
How badly are the team (still!) doing?
Where were the exemptions hidden in the brick factory?
Wreck-it Sinan makes a glorious return.
Is Jamie being a bit too obvious at trying to Mole?
Logan makes a sports reference.
Who was particularly enthusiastic for a strip search?
How do you win the tuk tuk challenge?
Has Sarah succeeded at anything?
Logan pays the Piper.
What odd things did Jamie do?
Did the zipline screens spell something out?
What happens if Sarah goes next?
How do you guarantee a win on the zipline?
Did the Mole sabotage the final challenge?
Are we getting a final four?
Why was this episode a bit pointless?
Who is on our Suspect Lists?
And who is going home next?
If you want to play the Suspect List this week, it’s at

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sherlock’s Swear Jar
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Michael & Michelle return to recap the fifth episode of Hunted’s fourth series. In this episode:
Where is Anthony this week?
Has Sherlock ever smiled before?
Why was Matt wearing a GoPro?
Anthony has a message for someone involved in the show.
Was the show rigged against Matt?
Did Matt actually do himself proud?
What did Matt get up to last weekend?
Michael gets angry.
Michelle explains proper nettle-cutting.
Where was Loren’s sister?
Who would Michelle contact on the show?
Michael sets out his terms as being an informant.
Are we finally confident that Ish & Nate win?
Should you ever trust a loitering chef?
We find our new favourite NPC.
Can you ever permanently delete data?
Why did they put so many people on Loren?
What got into all the Hunters this week?
Who do Ish & Nate remind us of?
We ask for a rule clarification.
What would happen if Michelle got caught?
Why were HQ so harsh about Loren on her exit?
Where do captured fugitives go?
Michael has perfectly calm feelings on his favourite end-game twist returning.
What do we know about the extraction point?
Michael drops a bombshell.
Michelle does an accidental impression.
What are the rules on extraction captures?
And we give our final theories.
We’ll be back next week for the finale!

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Lovin’ the Klinkers
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Michael returns with a surprise appearance by WIDM supply teacher, Anthony Williams, to recap the fifth episode of Wie is de Mol 2019. In this episode:
We have two very different opinions on this episode.
How much does Anthony know about coffee?
Has Michael spotted a clue?
Do Niels' actions make him more or less suspicious?
Did Niels get Evelien cut?
What do we think of the season halfway through?
Did the Mole take a backseat this week?
Michael has a problem.
Why didn't we get a maximum prize for the car assignment?
How did Sarah get to go on the scaffold?
Everyone finally asks what we've been asking for weeks.
Anthony brings back his love of etherdiscipline.
Should you focus on five letter words?
We find the one TV show that Anthony wouldn't do.
Why does no-one suspect Niels?
Should you have a lijstbondje?
How did Sarah get to keep her phone?
Why did Sinan not want to abseil?
How would we do with an abseil?
Why is Logan the new Jamie?
We critique fashion choices.
Michael forgets a word.
We try and predict the Mole.
And who will go next?

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Untraceable? It’s a Miracle!
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Michael, Anthony & Michelle return to recap the fourth episode of the fourth series of Hunted. In this episode:
Anthony’s intro is obvious.
Michelle tries to put a rumour to bed.
How is the UK heatwave going?
What have Anthony & Michael been up to this week?
We have a reference for quizzers.
Were HQ actually near to Ish & Nate?
Michael rants.
What is Michelle’s favourite swear word?
We discuss banned adverts.
Michelle gets threatening.
Why did this episode suggest that Matt loses?
Michael perfects a one-word impression.
We start to pre-empt each other’s jokes.
Bleks attempts a tongue twister.
Did Frank & Harry get lasagne?
How can Hunters “gain access” to properties?
Michael rants…again.
Why is the fact that Loren got a poster so huge?
Are we sold on Loren winning yet?
What’s with all our local connections?
What is wrong with Derby?
Can you trace Facebook calls?
Michelle wants the Hunters to be more obvious.
Anthony gets into a catchphrase criticism session.
We say “savage” too much.
Why do we edit the podcast?
Is Matt cockier than Michael?
Who will be the next professional fugitive?
How did the ANPR analysis work?
Michelle asks the important questions.
Why did Matt want to ambush the hunters?
What is the difference between Matt’s plan and Nick Cummings’ decoy?
We spot a reshot scene.
The Hunters are encouraged to stalk Michael.
How long would it take to mail a t-shirt to Australia?
Someone doesn’t know their 80s TV.
What does Michael watch to cheer himself up?
We analyse HQ’s screensavers.
Steve Hersee’s legendary pronunciations return.
Why wouldn’t Michael apply for Hunted?
Michelle has a crush.
Michael rants…for a third time.
Are service stations ever a good place to visit?
Why did Loren cry?
Someone does the maps.
Matt is compared to a Disney character and Adam Sandler.
Is Matt’s plan a bit too obvious?
Will we ever see a Lost Wolves-style move again?
What was Matt’s biggest mistake?
Will Matt’s instinct return?
Who will get caught next?
There’s a big winner question mark.
Michael mentions Shipwrecked.
And there’s a wonderful stinger to end the episode.
Michael & Michelle will be back next week before everyone returns for the finale! See you next week.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Michael & Logan are back for the fourth episode of Wie is de Mol 2019. In this episode:
Where is Logan?
Michael was right.
We find the silver lining to Nikkie going.
What was Nikkie’s downfall?
Has Logan been to Guatapé?
Rik gets fact checked.
We compare seasons.
Sinan gets another new nickname.
Someone has a confession three episodes after it would have been helpful.
Why did everyone quit cage chicken so quickly?
Is it a good thing that Evelien left?
Michael spots a potential clue.
Logan flexes his pharmaceutical muscles.
Tunnelvisie is very much still a thing.
Why are we just watching Sinan now?
How do you win the balcony challenge?
Will challenge performance improve now Evelien is gone?
Why does everyone hate each other?
Where were the women?
Did the Mole lock a tablet?
The season gets a new subtitle.
Why does no one suspect Niels?
What happened to Evelien’s joker?
Logan imagines a dictator-only season.
Does Joker-gate exclude Niels from being The Mole?
Who’s on our suspect lists?
And who will be the next to leave?
If you want to play along with this week’s Suspect list, the link is

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Foxtrot Uniform, Peter Bleksley
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Michael, Anthony & Michelle are back again to recap the third episode of Hunted’s fourth series. In this episode:
Michael’s favourite joke continues.
How did Michelle celebrate Australia Day?
Why is Hunted a delight to podcast?
Anthony foolishly mentions his bet.
Michelle remembers our favourite Hunter from Hunted US.
Michael spots something that could change everything for one team.
Who doesn’t have an iPhone?
We critique the usage of our title.
Michael asks to be the Hunted Oprah.
Does anyone go on Hunted to be covered in bodily fluids?
Should you go on the run in Converse?
Michael uses Michelle’s words against her.
Michelle gets tent envy.
Doug gets a warning.
Anthony becomes the grammar police.
Will Matt get caught?
Has Harry seen nettles before?
Why do we tend to see pairs?
We ask for a gif.
Michael makes a mistake (for once).
We reveal a couple of secrets.
Why didn’t Matt hide in the forest?
Michael drops a rule bomb.
A former fugitive drops by.
We want more crossovers with The Heist.
What happened to Ish & Nate’s edit?
Sherlock lives up to his name.
Anthony tees up a joke badly.
Why would you freeze a bank card?
Why is everyone in the Peak District?
How did Ish & Nate spend so much on breakfast?
We’re scared of John the gym owner.
Michael spots something in the next time trailer.
Michelle breaks down the mechanics of a Bleks quote.
It all goes a bit Gone with the Wind.
We make some predictions.
What is the collective noun for a group of Hunters?
What would be our bingo centre square?
Kevin O’Leary takes over.
And it all gets a bit emotional.
If you want to donate to Paul’s Recovery Café, the link is We’ll see you next week!