
Thursday May 02, 2024
A Major Souvenir
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
Don't parry, just stab, because we're back for De Mol België Season 12 - and its visit to the place Logan's ancestors fled under the cloak of darkness - Sicily! Over these nine weeks, three guys who enjoy bringing back some old favourites - Michael, Logan & Bindles - are recapping and breaking down everything that happens as we try and work out who has been given an offer that they couldn't refuse - to become the Mole - continuing with the sixth episode and elimination of Stéphanie!
In this episode - we celebrate the return of a segment after four months, Daniel Peake gets wished a Happy Groundhog Day again, we debate how we'd do with Hot Ones, Bindles is put on a watchlist, the real voice of the Mole is revealed, Gilles describes every Italian town, Logan tries out some nicknames, Senne & Stéphanie overcomplicate things, Michael has a plan for the finale, Charlotte is finally understood, there's a very rare auction, we think (briefly) about NetMol, a rather interesting idea is floated on Reddit, we wonder if the Mole books were really burned, Logan's reaction to the execution is revealed, Michael resists gloating, there is a spiteful prediction, we have the penultimate updates to the Pool and First Suspicions, the Final Three is predicted, Gilles' nicknames go old-school and we praise our mystery subtitler.
You can play along with this week's Bother's Bar Suspect List here. We will see you next week for Episode 7!
Please note: This episode is intended on being spoiler-free, but references to any season we have already covered (WIDM 10-11, 14, 17-24 and Renaissance; België 4-11) may be made. This episode may also contain references to WIDM Season 13 and does contain references to both US 5 and Australia 6.
Additional note: D8-00. Has anyone figured it out yet?
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Thursday Apr 25, 2024
The Bejesus Will Be Shocked
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Have a look at a bottle of Lea & Perrins, because we're back for De Mol België Season 12 - and its visit to the place Logan's ancestors fled under the cloak of darkness - Sicily! Over these nine weeks, three guys who have tried nothing and are all out of ideas - Michael, Logan & Bindles - are recapping and breaking down everything that happens as we try and work out who has been given an offer that they couldn't refuse - to become the Mole - continuing with the fifth episode and elimination of Lynn!
In this episode - Mothers' Week continues, Bindles reveals a fear, Michael has had an appointment with a slobber monster, we do some Hunted chat, a potential clue is spotted, Logan surprises us with a clean joke, Lynn almost gets a hat trick, the Mole gets a new voice, someone walks into a (Papa) Bear trap, there is some terrible wordplay, Gilles acquires a new nickname (or five), the sponsorship is really subtle, tradition threatens to be subverted, we reveal who we'd bring on a family visit, our chequered pasts may get exposed, we try and work out if the Doublers were a failure, the meaning of the Wilhelm Scream is explained, there are the latest updates to the Pool and First Suspicions, we lock in our final pair of suspicions for the season, Logan is surprised by a question we've asked hundreds of times, we look at the optimum place for the Mole to be and all the rules get broken after 521 episodes.
You can play along with this week's Bother's Bar Suspect List here. We will see you next week for Episode 6!
Please note: This episode is intended on being spoiler-free, but references to any season we have already covered (WIDM 10-11, 14, 17-24 and Renaissance; België 4-11) may be made. This episode may also contain references to WIDM Season 6 and US Season 5.
Additional note: For the first time in two years, Logan definitely has a finalist - can he make it two next week? We hope not!
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Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Exit, Pursued by a Hunter
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Say your (potential) goodbyes, as we are back for Hunted UK's lucky seventh series! Over these six weeks (regardless of Channel 4's broadcast schedule), three people who are all running off in different directions after this episode, in the hope that none of them get caught - Michael, Anthony & Michelle - returned to recap the hunt for twelve new fugitives who are spread out all over the UK in a quest to escape capture and win a share of £100,000 - concluding with the final episode, capture of Cameron and escape of Jaxon, Nicola & Sade.
In this episode - Michael breaks a promise and ties up a loose end, we discuss Race Across the World, there's another message from Alex Ayling, Doug gets one final undermining, Ray runs out of cliches, we wonder why Kirsty couldn't just catch some fugitives herself, some local knowledge refutes what the Hunters claimed, two of us issue an apology, we wonder where the crying scene was, Michelle googles "Stipples Town", Production have some contingency plans, we go back to the final ascent, there was a major clue that it wasn't a Clean Sweep, Mothers' Week begins, we say our (potential) goodbyes, the podcasts' impact is explained and we worry about some backlash for the banner.
Thank you for listening to this episode - Michael, Logan & Bindles are continuing covering De Mol België every Thursday before we'll be back for more Historians later in the year!
Additional note: Obviously, if this is the end of Civilian Hunted we'll be disappointed, but thank you to everyone who's listened to our Hunted podcasts over the last eight(!) years. Thanks to everyone who's been involved in the show - whether Hunter, Fugitive or Gold Command (love you Kevin!) - and anyone who's interacted with us, whether for one episode or forty-six - we hope this won't be the end!
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Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Stroke the aubergine in slow motion, because we're back for De Mol België Season 12 - and its visit to the place Logan's ancestors fled under the cloak of darkness - Sicily! Over these nine weeks, three guys who regularly have fun times for a minute tops - Michael, Logan & Bindles - are recapping and breaking down everything that happens as we try and work out who has been given an offer that they couldn't refuse - to become the Mole - continuing with the fourth episode and elimination of Coco!
In this episode - Logan's given some options, there are varying amounts of homework that have been done, we have a small announcement, Charlotte plans a trip to South America, Coco understands the show, Bindles' buses are straight outta the Mushroom Kingdom, we wonder if the Wilhelm Scream will be a clue, Logan tries to do a Seal joke, someone forgot to submit a Suspect List, Gilles' weekly nickname is announced, we avoid the food sin minefield, Bindles has too much fun to make notes, the challenge gets broken, Gilles relocates, there's a question over whether the Mole knew who was going, a feud is revealed, we make one joke about Michelle hating her family, there are the latest updates to the Pool and First Suspicions, we lock in our first duo of suspicions, the next execution is predicted and Bindles threatens to be unbearable.
You can play along with this week's Bother's Bar Suspect List here. We will see you next week for Episode 5!
Please note: This episode is intended on being spoiler-free, but references to any season we have already covered (WIDM 10-11, 14, 17-24 and Renaissance; België 4-11) may be made. This episode may also contain references to WIDM Season 15.
Additional note: Godverdomme, this was a great episode. We're definitely being pandered to though, right?
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Get in touch with some old friends, as we are back for Hunted UK's lucky seventh series! Over these six weeks (regardless of Channel 4's broadcast schedule), three people who are mostly length, really - Michael, Anthony & Michelle return to recap the hunt for twelve new fugitives who are spread out all over the UK in a quest to escape capture and win a share of £100,000 - continuing with the fifth episode and capture of Cathy, Annida and Alex (sadly!).
In this episode - Michael turns the subtitles on, Michelle gives us the update on the Sydney situation, one of the fugitives pops up on another show, an old friend has got in touch, we've been offered an interview, Cathy & Annida's vibrancy is never in doubt, someone takes an ironic trip, we worry we're being trolled, there is a really bad edit, Doug gets undermined, we get a new hero, Michelle hurries things along, there is the most egregious monkeying with the timeline in Hunted history (not including Australia, obviously), everyone's been doing their homework, the trailers are too honest, Anthony spots a reshoot, a week goes missing, we try and guess who'll win and someone gets a maths lesson.
Thank you for listening to this episode - we will see you next week for the finale!
Additional note: Are we ever going to be able to trust the editors again? I'm not sure I can!
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Thursday Apr 11, 2024
The Baaf Brandt Corstius Line
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Go through customs in reverse, because we're back for De Mol België Season 12 - and its visit to the place Logan's ancestors fled under the cloak of darkness - Sicily! Over these nine weeks, three guys who always ask for your consent before pushing your buttons - Michael, Logan & Bindles - are recapping and breaking down everything that happens as we try and work out who has been given an offer that they couldn't refuse - to become the Mole - continuing with the third episode and elimination of Philippe!
In this episode - we fear we're being baited again, Logan's been on an adventure, Michael talks about Maremmas, we wonder at what age you learn to bleat, Gilles earns another nickname, there is some homework for next week, Stéphanie gets banned from an onsen, we exclusively reveal the Plan B of the gesture challenge, the consequences of the Doubler are discussed, this becomes the Year of Despacito, there's a really easy way to identify the accomplice, the Mole gets a new voice, someone forgets about imperial measurements, Michael wants Production to be meaner, the Suspect List question proves confusing, a rumour is confirmed, we set the record straight over whether gnocchi is pasta, a massive clue is spotted, no-one trusts Bernard anymore, we head towards a NetMol situation, Philippe has a surprising connection, the next time trailer is just for us, we update the Pool, First Suspicions and our weekly suspects and there's a difference of opinion over who's going next.
You can play along with this week's Bother's Bar Suspect List here. We will see you next week for Episode 4!
Please note: This episode is intended on being spoiler-free, but references to any season we have already covered (WIDM 10-11, 14, 17-24 and Renaissance; België 4-11) may be made. This episode may also contain references to WIDM Season 5 and US Season 4.
Additional note: België really seems to be trying to make us talk about absolute filth this season, doesn't it?
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
The Standard Measurement of Sausage Rolls
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Think with your brain in any conversation, as we are back for Hunted UK's lucky seventh series! Over these six weeks (regardless of Channel 4's broadcast schedule), three people who disgust you with their tins of choice - Michael, Anthony & Michelle return to recap the hunt for twelve new fugitives who are spread out all over the UK in a quest to escape capture and win a share of £100,000 - continuing with the fourth episode and capture of Jack.
In this episode - there are green shoots for a potential eighth series, Anthony's been keeping secrets, there were almost some very good predictions last week, we wonder how big Jack's sausage rolls were, a complaint is pre-empted, someone gets a (small) apology, we see something we shouldn't, Lisa's edit softens, Michael gets targeted, Daisy earns her salary, a surprising aphrodisiac is revealed, Doug has an unironic breakout, Michelle tries to rewrite history, we have some connections to the episode, a joke gets tag teamed, Cathy & Annida nearly get a third banner, there's a lesson in continuity, a very old joke is told, we have an epiphany about the timeline, our priorities for being a fugitive are revealed, Anthony gives us a life lesson, we wonder if cigars & croissants go together, next week is predicted and we tout for some new sponsors.
Thank you for listening to this episode - we will see you next week for Episode 5!
Additional note: Two weeks remain of this series, but will anyone make it to extraction?
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Thursday Apr 04, 2024
My Body is Not an Ice Pop
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Mortify the kids and the grandkids, because we're back for De Mol België Season 12 - and its visit to the place Logan's ancestors fled under the cloak of darkness - Sicily! Over these nine weeks, three guys who hope that it's chocolate - Michael, Logan & Bindles - are recapping and breaking down everything that happens as we try and work out who has been given an offer that they couldn't refuse - to become the Mole - continuing with the second episode and elimination of Karolien!
In this episode - Logan gets himself into hot water, there's a small administrative error-induced discussion, Michael faces the consequences of ignoring the existence of blended families, someone gets burned by Reddit, we get some mystery packages, everyone could be the Mole, Production have been planning this week for a while, our jokes have a theme this week, Coco brings the fire, everyone licks a bit too slowly for our tastes, the difference between a stepfather and a father is explained, someone Bruce Bogtrotters themself, Michael promotes a tour, Michaël gets an invitation to a party, we open the Canadian Pandora's Box, Logan forgets a white woman, a reunion scene is predicted, the Mole flits between Bane and Darth Vader, the method of picking the new Keeper of the Doublers is revealed, we rank the eulogies, the Wilhelm Scream returns, Bindles wants to join the Pool, there are the first updates to the Pool and First Suspicions and our second set of suspects are locked in.
You can play along with this week's Bother's Bar Suspect List here. We will see you next week for Episode 3!
Please note: This episode is intended on being spoiler-free, but references to any season we have already covered (WIDM 10-11, 14, 17-24 and Renaissance; België 4-11) may be made. This episode may also contain references to WIDM Season 8.
Additional note: No-one expected Bindles to make it to fifty episodes without being cancelled, right?
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