Reality TV Warriors
Thursday May 20, 2021
My Adventures in Laser Tag
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Learn how to trash talk your birthday twin, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys with an incredibly high Mole Compatibility Score - Logan & Michael - have been trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, aiming to answer that one elusive question - who is the newest Mole in Germany?, concluding last week with unmasking of Lennart as the Mole, but this week we have the reunion and reveal of Martijn as the Alt-Mole to discuss!
In this episode, we try not to overpromise for next week, Michael spots something that - in any other year - they would have tricked us with, we take some time to discuss Kevin's brilliant reactions, we try and work out whether the reunion made us love Lennart as a Mole more, there's some dreadful trash-talking, the low pot is justified, a cuckoo clock proves emblematic of Production's attitude to seasons, Logan wonders if it's easier to be a younger Mole, we reveal what's next and we look ahead to next week, with an exclusive clip from our chat with Gilles!
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
We will see you next week for our very special episode with Gilles de Coster!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault.
Thursday May 13, 2021
No Such Thing As a Treat
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Cover up any mistakes you've made, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys who would never dare to heckle you in whispers - Logan & Michael - have been trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, and aiming to unmask the newest Mole in Germany, concluding with the finale and unmasking of Lennart as the Mole!
In this episode, we wonder where we went so right, Gilles reveals how close the final test was, we break our own rule and give Production credit for filming a season in a pandemic, Logan invokes the Celebrity Mole seasons, Gilles shows off again, Production seem to have been watching Netflix, Isi leaves a note, we wonder if Sven cost himself the game, Annelotte calls out a fan theory, the win proves even more impressive in context, we wonder if it's justified to have a record-low pot, we start thinking about where to place Lennart in our Mole Rankings, there's a final update for First Suspicions and our Predictions Pool, Michael tries to work out who Philip went home suspecting and we end the episode with the first big announcement of the year!
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories! You can send in questions for our final episode of the season until next Tuesday!
See you next week for the reunion episode!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault. This episode also contains spoilers for US Seasons 3 & 4.
Thursday May 06, 2021
If I Only Had A Pasvraag...
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Don't leave us hanging, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys who you could describe as Fairytale Connoisseurs - Logan & Michael - are trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, and aiming to unmask the newest Mole in Germany, continuing with the seventh episode and elimination of Philip.
In this episode, we wonder if this is one of the best Belgian episodes ever, we look into "The Spanish Fury", there's a thoroughly non-committal discussion about the rumoured US Mole reboot, Logan reveals much more about his childhood, there's a distinctly 18-year-old-shaped hole in the episode, Michael spots a very sneaky Production joke, we speculate what Isi's reward will be, there's an argument for spreading at the Final Four, we lock in our final suspects (eventually), there's the penultimate update to the First Suspicions list and our Predictions Pool, we try and guess who will win the season and there is a plea for a little assistance for something coming later in the year.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
See you next week for the finale!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault.
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
The First Language of the Skies
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Stare at this photo and learn about how graffiti works, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys who refuse to pull a muscle doing this podcast - Logan & Michael - are trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, and aiming to unmask the newest Mole in Germany, continuing with the sixth episode and elimination of Jasmien.
In this episode, we try not to moan about the pot being drained as much as we did when Josh went home, Logan makes a joke that you won't hear again till November, we seem to be the only people who remember Ultimate Tag, there are two Gilles de Coster Dick Moments, Sven is basically the treasurer, we try and work out if we'd be tempted by the dossiers, we put a price on information, there's an educated guess on what Isi's challenge will be, learning to fly a plane appeals to at least one of us, we try and game the pot bidding game, the value of a vrijstelling changes, we question whether Jasmien really knows who the Mole is now, there's an update to both our First Suspicions game and our Predictions Pool, we try and guess who the Mole is (for the penultimate time this season), Michael spots a potential bit of history on the horizons, we guess who'll be the last person sent home and we look ahead to the finale, when we could be asking whether the Mole went a bit too far this week.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
See you next week!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault. This episode does also contain spoilers of the final three from the fifth US season, and an action of the Mole from the second US season.
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
A Very Passionate Back-up
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Keep the meat away from your face, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys who, surprisingly given they've been in lockdown for a year, don't need to eat less schnitzel - Logan & Michael - are trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, and aiming to unmask the newest Mole in Germany, continuing with the fifth episode and elimination of Samina.
In this episode, Logan gets a humblebrag, worlds collide as Amazing Race challenges start appearing, we reveal an unaired quiz question, Sven seems unstoppable, we try and make some new friends, Logan tries to preempt a joke, we exclusively reveal a twist to the first challenge of the season, we look at the Guinness World Record for holding your breath, seemingly no-one expected to lose the Schliersee challenge, we explain the biggest disappointment of the last few episodes, someone does something mathematically very difficult, there's an update to First Suspicions and our Pool, someone spots a clue, Samina is a bit ungrateful and we try and work out when the right time to go down to one suspect is.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
See you next week!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault.
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
You Need To Be Unemployed Again
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Get comfortable and watch some nature scenes, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys who are at least not the worst human being on a soccer pitch - Logan & Michael - are trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, and aiming to unmask the newest Mole in Germany, continuing with the fourth episode and elimination of Katrien.
In this episode, we celebrate a milestone...kind of, there's another very odd Canada-themed story, Michael gets into the mind of Gilles de Coster, Logan buried Isi, we spot some Argentina parallels, we wonder whether the Mole can have an impact in the football challenge, Lennart gets some fitness advice, Annelotte receives an offer she can't refuse, Bart has an unintentional impact, we explain the value of a pasvraag, Michael asks a stupid question, Logan reveals why he knows about Sex & The City, Gilles is compared to Randy Newman, we explain how to spot that Jasmien was eating worms, Michael corrects Gilles' maths, there's an update to First Suspicions and the Pool and we reveal our fourth set of suspects and then predict who's going home next week.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
See you next week!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault.
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Olcay Gulsen Can Help You Lose Weight!
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Stop yourself doing impressions, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys who have no religious objections to hypnotism - Logan & Michael - are trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, and aiming to unmask the newest Mole in Germany, continuing with the third episode and elimination of Noah (and technically Jens as a suspect).
In this episode, Logan regales us with stories of Canadian Prom Night, we reveal what Philip was actually listening to, Michael disagrees about the hypnotism challenge being the worst one in Belgian history, Isidoor gets an owner, a secret record is set, we discuss the value of a pasvraag, there's a way to tell Annelotte & Jasmien apart finally, we celebrate the return of Gilles de Coster Dick Moments and our third set of suspicions are revealed.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
See you next week!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault.
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
La Note Diabolique
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Decide who's going to sweep up the limbs, as we are back for De Mol België, and in the land of beer, lederhosen & bratwurst - Germany! Over these nine episodes, two guys who are never emotionless - Logan & Michael - are trying to avoid Papa Bear's dastardly tricks and traps, and aiming to unmask the newest Mole in Germany, continuing with the second episode and elimination of both of last week's top suspects - Kevin & Dami.
In this episode, we express our brilliance, Michael has a problem with Kevin's Hawaiian, Germans love David Hasselhoff, we question whether the Mole would want to play the piano, Logan's pharmacy knowledge is tested, there's a reason one banner didn't get used this week, we try and rule Jasmien out for being drunk, there's some wine rollercoaster puns, we have some exclusive death threats, the execution twist gets improved, we update our suspicions (also known as who's going home next week) and there's the first update to both the First Suspicions list and our predictions pool.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael & Logan directly! We also have an email address for your theories!
See you next week!
Please note: Thanks to Natalia's return, we are back to using subtitled episodes again. However, any translation or understanding errors are entirely Logan's fault.