Reality TV Warriors

Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Wu-lcome to the Fact Zone
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Logan has been thawed out from cryogenic storage, so it's time to preview Amazing Race Asia 5: The Glorious Wuturn of Allan Wu! In this episode:
Why is Allan Wu in Spain and on Arrested Development?
Amazing Race Asia is already planning to outdo Amazing Race 24 and Canada.
Logan can't do maths.
We talk about visits to Africa, for some reason.
Who is the Tara Basro of the podcast?
Indonesia is both wonderful and beautiful.
Why are there so many mactors?
Who would be good at head shaving or twerking tasks?
Is Jude Law still a thing?
Logan reveals far too much about one team.
We talk about The Voice UK.
One teams gets brownie points for insulting one of Logan's least favourite Racers ever.
Why is there no age diversity?
We play a game of Hobbit or President?
No-one likes airline food.
Who compares himself to a triple threat?
Who appeared in SpaceJam?
Someone has oddly specific favourites.
One Racer is a reject from TAR28.
David Hasselhoff gets cast.
Logan tries to jinx it for another one of Michael's favourite teams.
Who has a voice for radio and why is it annoying?
Which team tries to be the new Frankie & Amy?
What does "banter" really mean?
Who follows the PG rules?
Someone swallows a thesaurus.
We exclusively reveal next season's prize for Amazing Race Canada.
Logan hates Elisha Cuthbert.
Whose moustache provides all his paradoxical power?
What is the etiquette for a Double Wu-Turn?
One Racer compares herself to something very inappropriate.
Should you ever trust someone who is "funny" or a "comedian"?
Who is the Tina Greene of Amazing Race Asia?
What is modern technology in Canada?
Jillian Michaels is still a thing.
And why has production been copying Amazing Race Latinoamerica?

Sunday Oct 02, 2016
Dick from the Depot
Sunday Oct 02, 2016
Sunday Oct 02, 2016
Michael, Michelle & Anthony return to recap the second episode of Hunted Series 2. In this episode:
Why did we see the same pre-credits scene as last week?
Who didn't learn their lesson from last year?
What would Michelle do if Australia had its own version of Hunted?
Who is getting the elusive UTR in a Hunted Edgic Chart?
Michael displays a new accent.
Should you ever sell out a fugitive?
One team's performance in this episode makes us wonder if any fugitives will ever live up to them in future?
Casual confessions lead to Anthony's revelation of the most romantic euphemism he's ever heard for a one night stand.
Why should you always hide your Facebook?
Anthony uses his Blackpool knowledge to fact-check a car chase.
Did the Hunters break the law?
What are Hunting Hours?
The underappreciated intern at Hunted HQ gets his time to shine.
Why was there a cliffhanger last week?
How far do you have to go from Blackpool to escape civilisation?
How does becoming an amputee affect your psyche?
Would the Hunters have *actually* paid the Scottish snitches?
Anthony takes offense to the accusations of fakery.
Who looks like the sort of person who would visit a Tank Museum?
The Canal Inn is well-endorsed.
Anthony invokes a Nerd Alert.
How will dogs affect the Hunt?
And who do we think will be captured next?

Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Heather is joined by last minute replacement Michael to recap the premiere of Hell's Kitchen's sixteenth season, as well as celebrating our one-hundred-and-fiftieth podcast. In this episode:
There's an in-depth explanation as to the intricacies of Australian internet and why Ben isn't here this week.
Why was this season under-promoted compared to Season 15?
Why have people already seen the episode before the season even started?
Michael returns to his favourite topic - Hell's Kitchen intros.
Who historically succeeds in the gender wars?
Why are shorts open-season?
Heather finally reveals her stance on fake boobs.
Devon Soltendieck makes a surprise appearance.
Heather butchers salmon.
When is a signature dish not a signature dish?
Where could you go after selling a kidney?
Even as a winner, Scott is still a punching bag.
Why don't the sous chefs give out knives anymore?
How bad do you have to be to be nominated when Tableside?
Heather throws shade at Smash Bros players.
Do the cameras ever need checking?
There's a surprising connection between Seasons 15 & 16.
And there's the glorious return of Black Jacket Predictions.

Monday Sep 26, 2016
Youngster Joey is from Yorkshire
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Michael & Michelle are joined for the first time by new Warrior (and mediocre quizzer) Anthony Williams to launch Your Time on the Run – the Hunted podcast from Reality TV Warriors. In this episode:
We rehash the reasons why Logan got The Mole UK cancelled.
Why should you go on a daytime quiz show?
We talk about Russian adaptations.
Just what are the new Hunted rules?
What is the difference between Hunted and Wanted?
Who wants to stay in a sewer?
Where did the rest of the fugitives’ money go?
Michael the rubbish cyclist criticises Nick for cycling.
What was the most idiotic move of the episode?
What is an ethical hacker, and why are they in Portal 2?
Password hints are pointless.
Boring television wins.
What is the correct protocol for being hunted by someone from Mi5?
Ashley Callingbull makes a surprise appearance.
Lolly has a dog mask.
Support networks are stupid.
Does Blackpool have any redeeming features?
Are you a canal jumper?
One team gets a third member.
How big are the cameras?
And why did the Hunters not catch Kirk & Jez this week?

Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Amazing Race Canada is Supposed to be Good and Fun
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Michael & Logan return for this very special podcast, discussing where the Amazing Race Canada franchise stands after four years, and where it can go from here. In this episode:
Find out why Amazing Race Canada All-Stars is a potential trainwreck.
Whose opinions should you not be basing your franchise off?
Why haven’t applications for next year opened yet?
Should you ever aspire to copy Amazing Race Vietnam?
One team’s bio gets rewritten.
We pitch for a UK-Canadian hybrid team twist (again).
Are we tryhards and do production try hard?
Someone on Amazing Race Canada 4 set a record that we didn’t even notice.
Questions get heckled.
What is Amazing Race Canada’s identity?
Producers get some home truths about some legs’ effort levels.
One comment manages to condense fifteen minutes of waffle into two sentences.
The Express Pass is still a horrific twist.
Is the Fast Forward dead?
Production are urged to look east to improve one twist.
What should the non-elimination penalty become?
Logan accidentally copies Amazing Race China.
We play a very special version of Match Game.
Is Amazing Race Canada doomed?
We ask Production to adapt.
And how will Amazing Race US impact Amazing Race Canada’s future?
Thank you for joining us all season, and we'll see you in a few weeks for Amazing Race Asia!

Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Nine Beers In
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Ben & Michelle return to recap the fourth week of Australian Survivor. In this episode:
There's a quick recap of the previous two weeks that we've missed.
We compare boils being lanced.
Who is the Australian Ryan Lochte?
One reward leads to Game of Thrones discussion.
There's muddy VPL.
We get a guided tour of Melbourne.
The Cheshire Kat appears.
Somehow, both James Bond and Pretty Woman are relevant.
Who is Craig Silke?
One contestant joins Orange is the New Black.
Ben considers cancelling the season.
What is the RTV Warriors Zombie Survival plan?
And there's a Sound of Music singalong.

Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Amish Strip Clubs
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Michael, Logan & Ben return to recap Amazing Race Canada 4’s final episode and visit to Montreal, Quebec. In this episode:
Requests for jokes are fulfilled.
Ben tries to take the moral high ground.
We talk about spoilers again.
Amazing Race alumni are watching stuff with us.
Everyone should watch Australian Survivor.
Why Amazing Race Canada should have gone international for their finale.
There’s unenthusiastic promotions.
Logan reminisces about TAR US’ visit to Montreal.
Canada is only independent from one part of the UK.
The Social hosts star in their own version of “Have You Been Paying Attention?”
One Racer looks like a Monopoly card.
There’s a revolt when jokes are reused.
Does Nova Scotia have Chinese people?
How would Jeff Probst react to Australian Survivor?
Michael does his research for once.
Was one sponsor founded before Canada burned down the White House?
Ben is old.
One suggestion is made for the bank Active Route Info to make it more…French.
There’s tenuous questions and terrible cliffhangers.
Ben spoils comic books.
One Racer should have paid more attention when it Vietnam.
Topaz appears in Montreal.
There’s the welcome return of a classic impression.
We play “Same Name, Different Game”.
Ben gets tired of dirty jokes.
Logan suspects some sponsor-themed foul play.
We rank Final Memory Challenges.
Devon Soltendieck’s real identity is exposed.
What does Big Brother teach us about sequestering people?
Who was a ‘shoe-in’ to lose the season?
We provide alternative prizes.
The winners need to get a bit more irresponsible.
There’s some reunion weave-pulling.
How would Aunt Sylvia settle her differences?
Ben gives some suggestions for the future of the franchise.
There’s praise for the After the Race special.
Seasons get ranked.
What is Logan’s suitcase code?
And we look ahead to the shows that are coming soon from RTV Warriors.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Fingers in the Chocolate Jar
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Michael & Logan return for the penultimate time this season to recap Amazing Race Canada 4's visit to St John, New Brunswick. This week:
Why does New Brunswick suck so much?
Where were fans hiding this leg?
Why would you give strangers your shoes?
Who would come back for All-Stars?
Records are broken.
We speculate how Monty would react to one of our All-Star choices.
Monty becomes a mascot.
We celebrate the glorious return of the After the Race special.
Someone channels a miserable Pit Stop greeter.
Logan makes his first and last ice hockey reference.
One former winning team makes a surprise appearance.
We talk about Double Battles from around the world.
Golf is boring.
Are editors leaving us Mole-style clues?
Someone (nearly) channels Happy Gilmore.
Logan breaks the Double Battle.
One Racer joins Survivor.
Who is the new Brendan Sheerin?
We recast the season, and realise why one type of team could never have been cast on this season.
The season gets a major conflict (finally!)
Who would have won the Fuel Your Casual Fan Favourite poll?
What is the most harrowing task of the season?
Why is this season basically Kill Bill?
And reluctant winner picks are made.