Reality TV Warriors

Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Carrie on Hunting
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Michael, Michelle & Anthony are back once more to recap the fourth episode of CBS' new smash hit - Hunted. In this episode:
Does Australia have Taco Bell?
Did the advert actually spoil anything?
Anthony spots patterns.
Michael has a theory.
Reddit teaches us things.
Someone didn't read the rules.
Are all psychics gypsies?
One team is very stupid.
Gold Command is finally proven.
We ask for a rule clarification.
Which team will be the final ones caught?
We spitball a tactic for future fugitives.
The unsung heroes of production finally get mentioned.
One Hunter is fast becoming everyone's favourite.
Who is the real hero?
Sherlock is up to his old tricks.
We ask for an exchange programme.
What would happen if a team was too good?
Michelle doesn't understand maiden names.
One fugitive gets a new nickname.
One Hunter team makes everything very confusing.
Did the captured team get Thu cocky?
Who takes a selfie with a DSLR?
How do you pronounce Vidalia?
One team's tactic sounds a little bit serial killer.
Why did someone say "Skinny Pedal to the Right"?
Everyone needs to be a little bit less cooperative.
We finally answer a question we had preseason.
What will Lee's big risk be?
And Michelle & Anthony play a quiz.

Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Outwit, Outplay, Outsass
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Michael, Michelle & Anthony return once more to recap the third episode of Hunted US' first season! In this episode:
Michelle is still heartless.
Ry-Phi gets a new nickname.
We've had some rare good feedback!
Just how much influence did the British series have?
We discuss spoilery trailers.
There's some creative editing.
Will anyone actually win?
Why are the Hunters being portrayed sympathetically?
Stop ringing & texting everyone!
The Hunters are multiplying.
There's an apology to Twitter.
What is the British Florida?
Michelle hates someone's mother.
Michael has a thing against door-to-door salesmen.
Someone starts a feud.
Our MVP is the least-surprising choice ever.
Michael & Anthony find something in common.
Michelle knows the plot of Deliverance.
One team gets two CBS pilots.
The timeline theory from last week returns.
Michelle makes an assumption and Michael has a theory.
We all get a bit confused about the mechanics of a butt dial.
Griff tries not to swear.
We lock in a winner pick.
Someone pre-emptively listened to Michael.
What was Hilmar's reaction to the butt dial?
What will be Sentra & Thu's downfall?
We discuss how you hide a number plate.
What are the rules we don't know about?
Why are Hunted fans so skeptical?
We voice suspicions.
Who will have a terribly awkward Thanksgiving?
Michelle gets angry.
We write an Australian Survivor biography.
Which Hunter looks like a geocacher?
Everyone needs to learn some French.
What characteristic sets Team Hotel apart?
We analyse boat speeds.
There's more CBS fakery.
Who will be captured next?
And what effect will Flat Cap Charlie have on the next UK series?

Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Drinking Gravy on Survivor
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Michael, Michelle & Anthony return to recap the second episode of Hunted US' first season. In this episode:
Why was there a one-hour premiere then a double-episode?
We've had some awkward cast interactions.
CBS Cliffhangers.
There's a deeply predictable couple of references.
Why are so many people from Atlanta?
It all goes a bit French Mole.
How many TAR recruits are there?
Is Buck a real name?
Does the UK have home invasions?
Production have no timeline etiquette.
How is the edit spoiling us?
Michael asks for a job.
Michelle is heartless.
Should you get a burner phone?
Michael was a huge baby.
Who is the George Foreman of Hunted?
What do you do with a liability?
Can fugitives separate?
One fugitive gets a new nickname.
How do you tell a kayak & a canoe apart?
Why are the US public so helpful?
Was there a risk of a crocodile or alligator attack?
One team use a tactic that we advocated.
How does Mail Monitoring work in the US?
Michael gloats.
We talk filenames.
Michelle should go on Australian Survivor.
Anthony is a GoPro nerd.
Badly designed wanted posters.
Michelle's film night takes a wild turn.
Which came first - the Hunter or the Fugitive?
We search Michelle's Facebook and search history.
Who actually sold out Troy & Chele?
Who gets the MVP award?
And who will be caught next?

Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Extracting Hipster Monty
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Michael & Anthony return to recap the first episode of CBS' new smash-hit programme, Hunted! In this episode:
What sort of parent lets their children listen to us?
Why is Lex Luthor involved in Hunted?
Contortionist Cameramen.
The pre-titles went a little bit Mole.
Why do we already love Lee & Hilmar?
Does Matt play basketball?
Anthony asks a stupid question.
Have one team of hunters been cloned?
We talk about Wonderful Georgia.
Is the Extraction Point getting creative already?
Why was the first team caught channelling a forgotten UK team?
We ask for more Bleks.
Who is the new Intern Simon?
What are the Gladiators up to?
Michael reveals hypothetical tactics.
Why should one Hunter change their Twitter name?
What is Gold Command?
We start a book club.
What is the Golden Rule?
We discuss some euphemistic names for relationships.
How do we see the episodes panning out?
A British fugitive returns.
We actually learn something.
Where is Michelle?
What should the episode title actually have been?
And who will be caught next?

Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Mediocre Cakes by Maureen
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Michael & Anthony return for the final podcast of the year and to recap The Apprentice UK's twelfth finale with a special guest! In this episode:
What were our immediate reactions to the finale?
Our texts get read out.
Anthony's favourite candidate returns.
Why did Courtney make the finale?
We create some more inappropriate alcohol names.
Anthony hates fancy dress.
A new BBC1 Saturday Night TV show is created.
The golden rule of The Apprentice is broken.
One team goes a bit Yellow Pages.
Who is Borat and who is George Foreman?
We get a bit panicky.
And what do we want for Series 13?

Monday Dec 19, 2016
Balinese Catac-Wumbs
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Michael & Logan return for the final time this season to recap the final episode of Amazing Race Asia 5 and its visit to Bali, Wonderful Indonesia. In this episode:
Why is Logan so damn excited?
It gets a bit gloaty.
Michael springs a surprise.
When is an Auntie not a Big Sister?
Should we do a Re-Wunion show?
Deputy Minister Patana is back!
Did the Finish Line make history?
The finale was filthy.
Why do Balinese taxis drive slow?
Logan wonders about Boko Haram.
Is TARA rigged?
Michael regrets that a running joke is unavailable.
One team gets a seal of appWuval.
The Canadian Kayak Hockey guy returns for one last appearance.
We talk about the "300th" leg of the US seasons.
Christmas isn't right in a hot climate.
Michael prepares Logan for Christmas.
Why was the Finish Line location chosen?
How Australian is Eric?
Why was there no safety judge for paddling?
Travis Touchdown is mentioned.
Michael misses one eliminated team for the first time ever.
There's one final outing for an impression.
One team had terrible planning.
What will TARA6's prize fund be?
We make up for one glaring omission last week.
Logan gets fact-checked.
How many hours have Michael & Logan actually podcasted together?
What should have been on the coconuts?
Who is the Dennis Eckersley of TARA?
"Where's Tara?" returns for one final time.
Did Tara Basro listen to our preview?
Logan pitches an interview.
Deputy Minister Patana gets a new job.
What do we think of the winners?
Can Logan tell Alex & Will apart?
Did Eric & Rona choke?
Was this a tough memory challenge?
And we answer the ultimate question - why was TARA5 so good?

Sunday Dec 18, 2016
So Long and Thanks for All the Cigars
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
Michael & Anthony are back to recap the infamous interview episode of The Apprentice UK's twelfth series. In this episode:
What is the benefit of Courtney making the finale?
Michael plans some revenge.
Why are production using the same locations again?
How did Alana win the MVP award stupidly quickly?
What is the cardinal sin of brownies?
Michael goes for a wedding joke.
How do you get on The Apprentice?
One listener has a theory.
Two candidates should team up.
How would Alana's erotic bakeware be marketed?
Claude Littner gets his own CBS show.
Anthony goes a bit Clarkson.
Why does Sugar suck?
Why does Michael hate Instagram models?
Screw you, Mike Soutar.
Why holding money back is usually a good idea.
Is Alana good at pitching?
Where will Alana go when she wins?
Why does Sugar like Courtney's business plan?
Why do we love Jessica?
What is Michael's official podcast title?
Why was Frances fired?
Why did Courtney get to the final?
We play everyone's favourite game with Anthony - can you remember who's coming back?
And who will be hired?

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Are You a Waffle-off?
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Michael & Anthony return to recap the tenth episode of the twelfth series of The Apprentice UK and its Gin task. In this episode:
Why have we never seen an alcohol-themed task before?
Why did Grainne not get fired?
Courtney is so boring.
What is "branding"?
Who is the David Beckham of the Apprentice?
Titans get a name change.
The podcast goes under threat.
What are the rules around alcohol?
Daphne & Celeste make an appearance.
Anthony educates Michael on alcohol shops.
Jokes are set up.
What is the point of Market Research?
A new BBC Christmas Special is announced.
Trishna sticks by her gin.
What are the candidates' favourite cocktails?
We rebrand Colony Gin.
Anthony asks for more gloating.
Why did Trishna give off winner vibes?
Why wasn't it another double firing?
Michael is proud of a pun.
And which three candidates will be fired?