Reality TV Warriors

Sunday Nov 13, 2016
The Taraminator
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Michael & Logan return once more to recap Amazing Race Asia 5's fifth episode and visit to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam! In this episode:
Logan requests a harsher introduction.
We describe the Roadblock as horrific.
We add a sixth course, which is quickly made sinister thanks to Logan.
Why did we see the Fast Forward?
A former Survivor contestant joins us.
Logan's coworkers have finally seen an episode of The Amazing Race.
We talk about classic Fast Forwards.
How did Tom & Anita screw over Alex & Will?
Our roles reverse when it comes to telling Alex & Will apart.
We avoid Dong jokes for once.
Amazing Race Asia sets a new precedent.
Logan tests Michael's colourblindness.
We learn about Logan's family.
We finally mention the unused and unaired Yield from last week.
What will Michael's Amazing Race t-shirt say?
What do you leave out for Vietnamese Santa Claus?
Michael creates a detour.
Why would it have been a good thing for everyone to attempt the Fast Forward?
Logan has never seen Lost.
We rank Reality TV vomits.
Logan promises to learn a rap.
Alex & Will need to go to pun school.
Michael puts his foot down about having more rewritten songs appear on the podcast.
What are the stereotypes for an Indonesian?
What is Allan Wu afraid of?
There's another outlandish Tara Basro hiding place.
The Roadblock did not obtain the Louisiana Gravedigger seal of approval.
Michael reveals a surprise that is waiting for Logan in Spain.
Vietnam does have KFC, guys.
Wu gets an acting role.
There's more talk of Vietnam's traffic.
How would we have dealt with the eating challenge?
The Racers are ungrateful.
The Bucket of Disappwuval is coined.
What shows did the Racers watch in sequester?
Just how well are Treasuri & Louisa doing?
Was the leg prize rigged?
One Racer checks into Rue Manor.
One team has an obvious winners' edit.
Logan is obsessed with Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.
And Wu will be

Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Slap the Butcher
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Better late than never, Michael & Anthony return to recap the fifth episode of The Apprentice UK's twelfth series. In this episode:
We left Anthony in charge of timekeeping, hence the delay.
Early morning wake-up calls confuse us.
Are you a YAMIL?
Michael reveals a weird connection to one candidate.
How would we describe the three product choices?
Michael gets a bit OCD.
What is the gilet lady's husband's story?
Anthony explains the Autumn-Winter sartorial essentials.
People who choose not to wear helmets are helmets.
Supermarket euphemisms.
Do we pledge?
We take umbrage with Sassy Hipster Lady Brady.
Who is a newly-qualified drama teacher?
One Racer from Amazing Race Canada stops by.
Who is the Apprentice Weird Al?
Where was JD hiding this week?
What technical terms does Dillon know?
A whiplash-themed MVP is selected.
Why did Sofiane have to be on a bike?
Claude threatens to burst a blood vessel.
Why was Alana assigned to keep time?
Nick Hewer finally gets a successor.
Production hire odd consultants.
Is Samuel one of the worst winning Project Managers ever?
What hashtags did Hunter Rebecca omit?
We speculate on Alana's business model.
Anthony brings some words back.
Whose pitching style is from the school Nativity playbook?
What actually is Paul's job?
Lord Sugar says the most stupid thing that's been said all series.
Why should Apprentice become a bit more Solitary?
And who will be fired next?

Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Sun’s Out, Wuns Out
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Michael & Logan are - for the first time this season - joined by Ben to recap the fourth episode of Amazing Race Asia 5. In this episode:
We start a war with one team.
Ben is confused by the word "detour".
What is the honeymoon that Eric & Rona asked for?
Michael explains the current trend for non-elimination penalties.
One Racer gives their team a time penalty.
Wu avoids a pun for the first time in his life.
What clues did Vicky & Rachel *actually* receive?
What was on JK's brochure?
One sponsor takes on a very inappropriate side-business.
Why do people come to the podcast?
How would Louisa & Treasuri fare if the Race ended now?
Ben & Logan talk about The Simpsons.
Eric & Rona spoil everything.
Jorts or Meggings?
Two Racers compete to be mean to elephants.
Logan actually does a good impression.
Gladiators or Age of Empires?
Logan makes a pitch on behalf of Elias Theodorou again.
Who is the Elizabeth Taylor of The Amazing Race Asia?
Where was Tara Basro this week?
How can you tell if a pirate is Malaysian?
One-sided rivalries occur.
Teams make a brief detour to South-East China.
Logan talks about movies from 1996.
One team tries not to impress JK & Mike.
How does the Roadblock prove that everyone is better than Brian Heidik?
We exclusively reveal the Roadblock for the Vietnam leg.
There's two proclamations of love.
Cameraman cameos.
How do you sit cross-legged?
What does Eric *actually* eat for breakfast?
Ben talks Tomb Raider.
Logan is Psychic.
Who is the David Hasselhoff of the podcast?
Parul & Maggie annoy Ben.
We acknowledge Racers liking our posts.
And stay tuned for the most ridiculous stinger in 38 episodes.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Any Damsel That’s in Wu-stress...
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Michael & Logan return to recap the third episode of Amazing Race Asia 5. In this episode:
We tease a guest-star from a YouTube superstar next week.
Sneaky Instagram Follows.
One team gets a penalty for abseiling home.
Logan still can't tell teams apart.
Someone gets a downgrade.
Who is living up to their pre-season reputation?
We get surprised that a wedding wasn't delayed.
Where was Tara Basro?
Allan Wu launches a YouTube channel.
One sponsor slowly takes over.
One Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild dungeon is exclusively revealed.
Does God work in insurance?
Michael is a partial jerk.
Who is the MVP of the episode?
Logan is Marked for Elimination.
One Racer is compared to Will Smith songs.
What is a superleg?
Logan makes a vile comparison.
Chinese Doppelgangers.
What is detour theory?
Doggy fitness classes.
What did Tom do to the pedal?
Were the trishaws sabotaged?
One team gets an unaired penalty.
We reveal a clause in Zabrina & Joe Jer's contracts.
What is the motivational quote of the week?
We have the whitest thing ever created.
Wu singles one team out.
Will we get a Speed Bump?
Filipino Grudge Matches.
Logan becomes a radio producer.
And Wu will be

Monday Oct 31, 2016
Ayo-ana Jones & The Last Two Saved
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Michael, Michelle & Anthony return for the final time to recap the last episode of Hunted's second series. In this episode:
Ayo is far more humble than you think.
Whose opinion of themselves has changed?
Anthony displays a new impression.
For the last time, Hunted isn't fixed!
How do rigged phone-ins relate to Hunted?
What doomed Anna & Elizabeth?
Bleks looks for an acting role.
Michelle finds out that the UK has only just got polymer money.
We ask for more pre-arranged stuff.
Someone's early wardrobe returns.
We give too many tips.
Why would you lie to people?
The drone scene finally appears!
Hunted Will is finally given something to do.
Caravan says no.
How does Michelle know what a Vauxhall is?
Why did the fugitives have to meet up for information?
Exactly what were the Hunters told?
Anthony gets corrected.
One Hunter gets replaced.
Michelle learns about harbours.
Why did we only see boats?
What should the extraction be next year?
How did Toddington narrow it down?
What is Bleks wearing?
Anthony can't remember the Hunters.
One captured team makes it to the extraction point anyway.
Even animals try and catch Nick.
How did we celebrate the winners?
Is there a new rule for the finale?
The series gets a post-mortem.
And where will Hunted go next year?

Monday Oct 31, 2016
Pouring Vimto over Karthik
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Michael & Anthony return to recap the fourth episode of Apprentice UK's twelfth series. In this episode:
Why did Aleksandra wait till the task was announced before quitting?
Who wakes up early in the shared house?
Who is our unironic win pick?
Two candidates copy former runner-ups' business plans.
Could the editors have sugar-coated Aleksandra's quit?
How would this cast be categorised?
Why did we see Samuel last week for the first time?
Is this the first time that we've not seen a client's decision of who to represent them?
What bags do we associate with Minorca?
Our Little Louis Walsh takes it to deadlock.
One team finally learns when unisex means.
Why did Jessica sing "Cool for Cats" in a weird tune?
Who should have raided the James & Solomon collection?
Why has our MVP from last week gone downhill?
Exasperated Claude Littner.
Karthik finally finds a role.
Why did we not see Claude defend Karthik?
Incidental Characters get their time in the spotlight.
Who is our MVP?
Production have been listening to Michael the Puppet Master.
How can you spend £5,000 on white shirts?
Sassy Hipster Lady Brady makes an appearance.
The rewards are still crap.
Paul is a fashionista.
Who was a backseat PM?
Why is Karthik like water?
What is a consultant?
Velodromes are scary.
Will next week be a multi-firing?
The firee joins an exclusive club.
And who will fired next?

Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
The Indonesian Aung San Suu Kyi
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Michael & Logan return to recap the second episode of Amazing Race Asia 5. In this episode:
Logan tries to give himself a new nickname.
Michael gets distracted by ondel-ondels again.
We talk about Pokemon Sun & Moon.
We celebrate the wonderful return of pwuns.
TARA producers get a petition of their very own.
We judge people who do stupid things.
Logan tries to get us some sponsorship.
We hear the dirtiest joke that Logan has told in 125 podcasts.
Who is the new Joey "Fitness" & Danny?
What is Indonesia famous for?
We manage not to be mean about a task for once.
Hunter Ben gets some Asian recruits.
Another Detour rule is christened.
Logan thinks that all Tongans are related.
Michael solves the mystery of why JK has an elbow brace.
How much is Logan's forehead worth?
We talk about Fear Factor (and not even Wu's appearance!)
Anita gets braggy.
Who wouldn't have done the Roadblock?
Logan throws in the towel on impressions before become slightly racist.
Tara Basro gets slighted.
What does Allan Wu smell of?
Who is more Ika Bula?
Logan makes three interruptions.
We get annoyed at "scissors, paper, stone".
Someone carries a donkey.
We talk audition videos.
We commend the amount of swearing.
And we tease a celebrity appearance for next week.

Monday Oct 24, 2016
Karren Brady: Lie Detective
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Michael & Anthony return to recap the third episode of Apprentice UK's twelfth series. In this episode:
How should Willy Wonka be described?
Someone earns a spot on Hunted.
Dad puns.
Why was Mukai saved?
Maple Bacon Fudge.
How do you win this challenge?
Why does Anthony watch this show?
Exasperated Lady Brady.
Purple Samuel.
Americans try British sweets.
Is £32 worth it?
The episodes need an advisory warning.
Hanging up on your PM.
Anthony is basically a famewhore.
Jessica forgets to breathe.
Sugar is subtle.
Rewards are odd.
Bad omens.
Why bringing an alliance back may be very stupid.
Did Sugar make the wrong decision?
Barely disguised contempt.
Why did we see Grainne this week?
And what constitutes Under the Radar for Karthik?